LIGO Document E1000193-x0

LIGO UHV Qualification Test Results

Document #:
Document type:
E - Engineering documents
This DCC entry is a top-level place holder to collect links to "referenced by" documents which have test results (RGA and optical contamination cavity results) on qualifying materials or assemblies for use in the Advanced LIGO Ultra-High Vacuum (UHV) system. All DCC documents on UHV qualification of materials or assemblies should have this document (E1000193) added as a "related document" so that this entry is automatically updated as new data is added to the DCC.
Files in Document:
Notes and Changes:

Optical Contamination Facility Test Log

added google doc link to OCF Test Log - appert 20190313
D. Coyne. N.B.: Many of the early test results from the optical ring-down cavity and their associated RGA measurements are not included here. This data should be "mined" from the OTF lab notebook and old emails.
Related Documents:
Referenced by:

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