1) RGA files C62510 (Oven C, 6/25/2010) are taken at room temperature after a 50C (low temperature) bake just to drive out water.
2) RGA files C62910 (Oven C, 6/29/2010) are taken after a 100C (max non-operating temperature) bake. [Note: It is OK to bake up to, but not in excess of, 100C. If the oven controller overshoots 2C (typical for LIGO CIT ovens), then set the bake temperature to 98C.]
3) These picomotor assemblies were not cleaned by LIGO. They come form the manufacturer marked as ready for UHV service.
4) The RGA results after the 100C bake demonstrate that these units are clean enough to use without cleaning, but after a 100C vacuum bake.
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