LIGO Document E1100144-v1

Electropolished Aluminum -- outgassing test

Document #:
Document type:
E - Engineering documents
Other Versions:
Measurement of outgassing rates for electropolished aluminum parts. The outgassing rates are sufficiently low for LIGO UHV use; electropolishing of aluminum is acceptable for aLIGO. Note that brite dipping, anodizing and other similar processes leave a porous oxide layer and are not acceptable. Also note that the outgassing rates given are for in-vacuum bakes parts/surfaces, not parts which are subsequently exposed to air, as is the case for aLIGO parts.
Notes and Changes:
The outgassing rates are determined with the Matlab m-file included in this DCC entry. The pseudo-inverse solution is not properly constrained to only allow positive outgassing rates for the gas species.
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