Document List by Author

Alan Weinstein of LIGO - California Institute of Technology is listed as an author on the following documents:
(List events moderated by Alan Weinstein)

LIGO-Number Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
M1900142-v2 Annual project report, NSF PHY-1846142 "Worshop on large ultrahigh vacuum systems" Michael Zucker et al. NSF
21 Aug 2024
T2300416-x0 Final reports from LIGO SURF program, Summer 2023 Alan Weinstein Detector
Basic R&D
Education, Outreach
Data Analysis
18 May 2024
T2300368-v1 Using Mass-Spin Correlations to Probe the Tidal Spin-up and Formation Origins of Binary Black Holes April Cheng et al. Compact Binaries
Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
03 Apr 2024
T2300268-v2 Linking the Population of Binary Black Holes with the Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background Olivia Laske et al. Stochastic
03 Apr 2024
T2300234-v2 Believe It or Not: Incorporating Relative Time Delay and Magnification Distributions Predicted by Lens Models into Ranking Possible Sub-Threshold, Strongly-Lensed Candidates Haley Boswell et al. Compact Binaries
Data Analysis
12 Dec 2023
T2300195-v1 Estimation of the Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background from binary mergers Pritvik Sinhadc et al. Stochastic
GW source predictions
Data Analysis
15 Nov 2023
T2300196-v1 Searching for gravitational waves with eccentricity from compact binary coalescences Elwin Li et al. Compact Binaries
GW source predictions
Data Analysis
15 Nov 2023
G2301226-v1 Gravitational Wave physics and astrophysics with LIGO and Virgo Alan Weinstein Detector
Public Talk / Colloquium
Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
30 Jun 2023
G2301197-v1 LIGO SURF 2023 Orientation Alan Weinstein et al. Detector
Education, Outreach
Data Analysis
23 Jun 2023
T2200219-v2 Improved Targeted sub-threshold Search for Strongly Lensed Gravitational Waves with Sky Location Constraint Aidan Chong et al. Compact Binaries
Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
Data Analysis
25 Apr 2023
T2200255-v1 GW Strain Calibration of LIGO Detectors with High Precision and Low Latency Naomi Shechter et al. Calibration
10 Mar 2023
T2200355-x0 Final reports from LIGO SURF program, Summer 2022 Alan Weinstein Detector
Education, Outreach
Data Analysis
10 Mar 2023
T2200254-v1 Testing Mass Distribution Estimation of Binary Black Hole Mergers with GWTC-3 Jingyi Zhang et al. Compact Binaries
11 Nov 2022
T2200251-v1 Exploring LIGO sensitivity across binary black hole parameter space Daniela Yano et al. Data Analysis
19 Oct 2022
T2200250-v1 Recovering Higher Order Modes in the Ringdown of Binary Black Hole Coalescences Rachel Mechum et al. Compact Binaries
28 Sep 2022
T2200101-x0 Final reports from LIGO SURF program, Summer 2021 Alan Weinstein Detector
Education, Outreach
Data Analysis
23 Mar 2022
T2100267-v1 Understanding the Physical Degrees of Freedom in a Parameterized Test of General Relativity Leif Lui et al. Compact Binaries
Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
Data Analysis
23 Mar 2022
T2100294-v3 Refining the Search for Sub-threshold Lensed Gravitational Waves Storm Colloms et al. Compact Binaries
Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
Data Analysis
23 Mar 2022
T2100334-v3 Studying the Detectability of High Mass Black Hole Binary Mergers with Future Gravitational Wave Detectors Sabrina Barbaro et al. Compact Binaries
23 Dec 2021
P1700236-v12 Reconstructing the calibrated strain signal in the Advanced LIGO detectors Aaron Viets et al. Calibration
18 Nov 2021
P060007-x0 Measurement of Optical Response of a Detuned Resonant Sideband Extraction Interferometer Benjamin Abbott et al. Document Migration
11 Nov 2021
P1900245-v7 Characterization of systematic error in Advanced LIGO calibration Ling Sun et al. Calibration
11 Nov 2021
T2100313-v3 LIGO and Virgo Calibration Uncertainty (O1, O2 and O3) LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Calibration
07 Sep 2021
T2000395-v6 Effects of Blip Glitches on Parameter Estimation Lilah Mercadante et al. Data quality / vetoes
Detector Characterization
Data Analysis
19 Aug 2021
T2000363-v1 Do Binary Black Hole Merger Events Observed by LIGO and Virgo in their Third Observing Run Agree with Waveforms from General Relativity? A Study of Residuals Erin Wilson et al. Compact Binaries
Data Analysis
27 Mar 2021
T2000361-v2 Studying the Properties of Higher Order Modes in Gravitational Wave Emission from Binary Black Hole Merger Events Jennifer Sanchez et al. Compact Binaries
Data Analysis
27 Mar 2021
T2000350-v21 Detectability of Nonlinear Gravitational Wave Memory Darin Mumma et al. Compact Binaries
Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
Data Analysis
27 Mar 2021
T2000374-v6 An Investigation on the Effects of Non-Gaussian Noise Transients and Their Mitigations to Tests of General Relativity Jack Kwok et al. Data Analysis
27 Mar 2021
T2000362-v5 Detectability of Quantum Effects in Gravitational Waves Emitted by Binary Black Hole Mergers Zoe Haggard et al. Compact Binaries
Data Analysis
27 Mar 2021
T2000645-x0 Final reports from LIGO SURF program, Summer 2020 Alan Weinstein Detector
Education, Outreach
Data Analysis
04 Nov 2020
P2000021-v12 Properties and astrophysical implications of the 150 Msun binary black hole merger GW190521 LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. GW Bursts
Compact Binaries
Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
05 Sep 2020
G2001426-v2 Presentation for the webinar on GW190521 Juan Calderon Bustillo et al. Public Talk / Colloquium
04 Sep 2020
P2000158-v4 GW190521 parameter estimation samples and figure data LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Compact Binaries
Data Analysis
03 Sep 2020
P2000026-v2 Parameter estimation sample release for GW190425 LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Compact Binaries
Data Analysis
20 Aug 2020
G2000797-v1 Gravitational Waves from CBCs Alan Weinstein et al. Data analysis software
Compact Binaries
GW source predictions
Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
Data Analysis
27 May 2020
T1900355-v1 Optimal Mass, Spin, and Orientation Parameters for Detecting Higher Order Gravitational-wave Modes from Binary Black Hole Mergers Mahlet Shiferaw et al. Data quality / vetoes
Compact Binaries
Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
Data Analysis
01 Mar 2020
T1900354-v1 Digging deeper: finding sub-threshold compact binary merger events in LIGO data Sierra Garza et al. Compact Binaries
Data Analysis
01 Mar 2020
T1900360-v1 Electromagnetic Follow-Up of Gravitational Wave Sources Olivia Cooper et al. Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
Data Analysis
01 Mar 2020
T1900377-v1 Mitigating LIGO Point Absorbers with High-Order Thermal Compensation Edita Bytyqi et al. Core Optics
01 Mar 2020
P1900170-v2 Low-latency skymaps for transient GW events in LIGO-Virgo O1 and O2 LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Compact Binaries
Data Analysis
12 Feb 2020
T1900468-v3 Gravitational Wave Polarizations: a General Relativity Test Samuel Patrone et al. Compact Binaries
Data Analysis
02 Jan 2020
P1700009-v19 First search for nontensorial gravitational waves from known pulsars LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Continuous Wave
28 Nov 2019
T1900818-v1 GWOSC Impact Reports, November 2019 Jonah Kanner et al. Computing/archiving
25 Nov 2019
P1600063-v11 Improving LIGO calibration accuracy by tracking and compensating for slow temporal variations Darkhan Tuyenbayev et al. Calibration
21 Nov 2019
P1800307-v8 GWTC-1: A Gravitational-Wave Transient Catalog of Compact Binary Mergers Observed by LIGO and Virgo during the First and Second Observing Runs LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Compact Binaries
Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
07 Nov 2019
T1900757-x0 Final reports from LIGO SURF program, Summer 2019 Alan Weinstein Detector
Education, Outreach
Data Analysis
04 Nov 2019
P1500248-v15 Calibration of the Advanced LIGO detectors for the discovery of the binary black-hole merger GW150914 LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Calibration
13 Oct 2019
P1900305-v1 GWTC-1: All figures LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Compact Binaries
05 Oct 2019
T1800232-v14 Searching for Lensed Gravitational Waves from Compact Binary Coalescences Alvin Li et al. Compact Binaries
Data Analysis
16 Mar 2019
G1901461-v3 Detection of Gravitational Wave Transients in the Era of LSST Alan Weinstein et al. Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
12 Aug 2019
P1500249-v17 The Advanced LIGO Photon Calibrators Richard Savage et al. Calibration
Auxiliary Optics
23 Jul 2019
P1600139-v16 Calibration Uncertainty for Advanced LIGO's First and Second Observing Runs Craig Cahillane et al. Calibration
23 Jul 2019
G1901145-v1 The Detection of Gravitational Waves by LIGO and Virgo Alan Weinstein Compact Binaries
Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
Data Analysis
19 Jun 2019
T1900181-x0 Slides from talks at GW Open Data Workshop #2 Eric Chassande-Mottin et al. Data Analysis
09 Apr 2019
T1800230-v1 A Study of Gravitational Wave Memory and Its Detectability With LIGO Using Bayesian Inference Jillian Doane et al. Compact Binaries
Data Analysis
30 Mar 2019
G1900704-v1 LIGO-Virgo data, data quality, calibration Alan Weinstein et al. Data analysis software
Data quality / vetoes
Data Analysis
28 Mar 2019
T1900135-v1 Simulated data files for Open Data Workshop #2 Jonah Kanner et al. Data Analysis
28 Mar 2019
T1900127-x0 Final reports from LIGO SURF program, Summer 2018 Alan Weinstein Detector
Education, Outreach
Data Analysis
16 Mar 2019
T1800231-v1 Modeling and Measuring Eccentricity in Binary Black Hole Inspirals Simona Miller et al. Compact Binaries
Data Analysis
25 Sep 2018
T1800392-v1 Study of the gravitational waveform created by a Binary Neutron Star (BNS) merger Diane Indelicato et al. Compact Binaries
Data Analysis
09 Sep 2018
M1800055-x0 DOIs for Open data products from the GW Open Science Center Kent Blackburn et al. Memorandum
01 Jun 2018
G1800786-v1 Fundamental physics with Gravitational Waves Alan Weinstein Data Analysis
13 Apr 2018
G1800650-v2 Gravitational Waves from Compact Binary Mergers seen by LIGO and Virgo Alan Weinstein Public Talk / Colloquium
Compact Binaries
Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
Data Analysis
26 Mar 2018
T1800048-x0 Final reports from LIGO SURF program, Summer 2017 Alan Weinstein Detector
Education, Outreach
Data Analysis
19 Feb 2018
T1700224-v1 Testing General Relativity with Binary Black Hole Mergers Radha Mastandrea et al. Compact Binaries
Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
Data Analysis
19 Feb 2018
G1800032-v1 Deep searches for broadband extended emission in gravitational-waves in nearby energetic core-collapse supernovae Maurice Van Putten et al. Data analysis software
GW Bursts
Compact Binaries
Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
Detector Characterization
Data Analysis
26 Jan 2018
T1700223-v1 Inferring the Astrophysical Population of Black Hole Binaries Osase Omoruyi et al. Compact Binaries
Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
Data Analysis
10 Jan 2018
G1702291-v1 The Detection of Gravitational Waves by LIGO and Virgo: astrophysical implications Alan Weinstein et al. Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
17 Nov 2017
P1700413-v1 LOSC C01 Data Products (HDF5, GWF and TXT.GZ) for GW170608 Kent Blackburn et al. Other data analysis
16 Nov 2017
P1700375-v1 LOSC CLN Data Products (HDF5, GWF and TXT.GZ) for GW170608 Kent Blackburn et al. Other data analysis
16 Nov 2017
T1700322-v1 Searching for Echoes of Gravitational Waves from the Coalescence of Exotic Compact Objects: A Bayesian Approach Ka-Lok Lo et al. Compact Binaries
Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
Data Analysis
11 Nov 2017
P1700337-v1 LOSC C00 Data Products (HDF5, GWF and TXT.GZ) for GW170817 Kent Blackburn et al. Other data analysis
16 Oct 2017
P1700349-v1 LOSC CLN Data Products (HDF5, GWF and TXT.GZ) for GW170817 Kent Blackburn et al. Other data analysis
16 Oct 2017
P1700341-v1 LOSC CLN Data Products (HDF5, GWF and TXT.GZ) for GW170814 Kent Blackburn et al. Other data analysis
11 Oct 2017
P1700340-v1 LOSC C00 Data Products (HDF5, GWF and TXT.GZ) for GW170814 Kent Blackburn et al. Other data analysis
09 Oct 2017
P1600305-v14 Probing Dynamical Gravity with the Polarization of Continuous Gravitational Waves Max Isi et al. Continuous Wave
24 Mar 2017
G1701076-v1 Highlights from GWPAW 2017 Alan Weinstein GW Bursts
Data quality / vetoes
Compact Binaries
Other data analysis
External Collaboration
Continuous Wave
GW source predictions
Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
Data Analysis
06 Jun 2017
G1700584-v1 Gravitational Waves Observed by LIGO Alan Weinstein Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
23 Mar 2017
G1700556-v1 Searching for Gravitational Waves with LIGO: the role of blind injections and blind analyses Alan Weinstein Data Analysis
16 Mar 2017
P1600285-v21 Validating gravitational-wave detections: The Advanced LIGO hardware injection system Christopher Biwer et al. Detector
20 Feb 2017
G1700169-v1 Gravitational Waves Observed by LIGO: Astrophysical implications Alan Weinstein Compact Binaries
Data Analysis
09 Feb 2017
T1600261-v1 Searching for gravitational waves from the coalescence of high mass black hole binaries Ka-Lok Lo et al. Compact Binaries
Data Analysis
11 Jan 2017
T1600260-v1 Improving the Accuracy of aLIGO Calibration: Calibration Error Models for Precision Tests of General Relativity Melissa McIntosh et al. Compact Binaries
GW source predictions
11 Jan 2017
T1700002-x0 Final reports from LIGO SURF program, Summer 2016 Alan Weinstein Detector
Education, Outreach
Data Analysis
11 Jan 2017
G1700028-v1 LIGO as BIG SCIENCE with Open Data Alan Weinstein Data Analysis
09 Jan 2017
T1600262-v4 Using Continuous GWs from Known Pulsars to Measure Gravitational Wave Speed Jake Mattinson et al. Modelling
Continuous Wave
29 Oct 2016
P1500269-v16 GW150914: First results from the search for binary black hole coalescence with Advanced LIGO LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Compact Binaries
29 Mar 2016
G1600779-v1 Reverse Engineering Supernovae Alan Weinstein Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
29 Mar 2016
G1600723-v1 Compact Binary Mergers, Nuclear EOS, and LIGO Alan Weinstein Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
23 Mar 2016
G1600287-v3 First Results from Advanced LIGO Alan Weinstein Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
Data Analysis
03 Mar 2016
T1500245-v2 Searching for gravitational waves from the coalescence of high mass black hole binaries Johnathon Lowery et al. Compact Binaries
17 Jan 2016
G000162-x0 Physics of LIGO, Lecture 1A Alan Weinstein Document Migration
10 Dec 2015
T1500587-x0 Final reports from LIGO SURF program, Summer 2015 Alan Weinstein Detector
Data Analysis
22 Nov 2015
T1500246-v2 Searching for gravitational waves from the coalescence of high mass black hole binaries KaTung Lau et al. Compact Binaries
22 Nov 2015
T1500239-v6 Detecting gravitational wave transients from unmodeled sources Enia Xhakaj et al. GW Bursts
22 Nov 2015
P1500105-v4 Inferring the Neutron-Star Equation of State Using Gravitational Waves Samantha Usman et al. Compact Binaries
Data Analysis
22 Nov 2015
P1500114-v3 Testing The Strong Field Dynamics of General Relativity Using Compact Binary Systems Carl Fields et al. Compact Binaries
22 Nov 2015
T1500415-v1 Tracking Spectral Noise Lines in Advanced LIGO Data Gillian Beltz-Mohrmann et al. Detector Characterization
22 Nov 2015
P1500191-v2 Data Quality for Binary Black Hole Searches with aLIGO Albert Wandui et al. Data quality / vetoes
26 Oct 2015
P1400235-x0 LIGO SURF 2014 Final Reports Alan Weinstein Detector
Data Analysis
16 Feb 2015
T1400339-v5 Characterization of Hardware Injections in LIGO Data Shannon Wang et al. Compact Binaries
20 Oct 2014
P1400188-v2 Extracting Progenitor Parameters of Rotating CCSNe via Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning Laksh Bhasin et al. GW source predictions
29 Sep 2014
P1400168-v1 Searching for Gravitational Waves from the Coalescence of High Mass Black Hole Binaries Liting Xiao et al. Compact Binaries
29 Sep 2014
P1400189-v1 Correlated Noise in LIGO Detectors from Schumann Resonance Ryan Horton et al. Project Controls
Education, Outreach
25 Sep 2014
G1300851-v1 Calibration in the Front End Controls Craig Cahillane et al. Calibration
31 Aug 2014
G1300861-v3 Modeling the Calibrated Response of the Advanced LIGO detectors Luke Burks et al. Calibration
31 Aug 2014
G1300854-v3 Searching for Binary Black Holes with Spin Aligned with Orbital Angular Momentum Deborah Hamm et al. Compact Binaries
31 Aug 2014
T1300882-v1 Detecting Deviations from General Relativity using Continuous Gravitational Waves Max Isi et al. Continuous Wave
Data Analysis
31 Aug 2014
T1400532-v1 SURF 2014 LIGO Livingston Observatory Trip and SURF Summer Seminar Days Alan Weinstein Detector
Education, Outreach
Data Analysis
31 Aug 2014
T1300864-v2 Characterising Behavior of LIGO Subsystems through Noise in the Seismic Environment Scott Dossa et al. Seismic Isolation
Detector Characterization
19 Aug 2014
G1400005-v5 Recovering Hardware Injections in LIGO S5 Data Ashley Disbrow et al. Compact Binaries
10 Jun 2014
G1100683-v5 Toward early-warning detection of compact binary coalescence Kipp Cannon et al. Compact Binaries
Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
07 May 2014
P0900004-v34 Toward early-warning detection of gravitational waves from compact binary coalescence Kipp Cannon et al. Data analysis software
Compact Binaries
06 May 2014
T1300861-v1 Seismic Isolation and Suspension System Instrument Characterization for Advanced LIGO Commissioning Chase Kernan et al. Detector Characterization
Data Analysis
04 Oct 2013
G1300902-v1 Sources of Gravitational Waves Alan Weinstein Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
04 Sep 2013
G1300642-v1 Exploring the Universe with Gravitational Waves Alan Weinstein et al. Compact Binaries
Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
Data Analysis
25 Jun 2013
P1200078-v4 LIGO Data Release associated with GRB051103 James Clark et al. GW Bursts
Compact Binaries
Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
Data Analysis
11 Jul 2012
T1000414-v13 An Astrophysical Metric for LIGO Open Data Release Alan Weinstein et al. Compact Binaries
Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
24 Jan 2011
T0900499-v19 Sensitivity to Gravitational Waves from Compact Binary Coalescences Achieved during LIGO's Fifth and Virgo's First Science Run Alan Weinstein et al. Detector
Compact Binaries
30 Jun 2010
P070125-x0 dc readout experiment at the Caltech 40m prototype interferometer Robert Ward et al. Document Migration
Public relations
19 Oct 2009
P070049-x0 A quantum-enhanced prototype gravitational-wave detector Robert Ward et al. Document Migration
Public relations
14 Oct 2009
G0900747-v1 LIGO USA! Munier Salem et al. Education, Outreach
26 Aug 2009
G0900520-v2 Testing Advanced LIGO length sensing and control scheme at the Caltech 40m interferometer David Yeaton-Massey et al. Upgrades
30 Jun 2009
G0900070-v1 Status of the search for Gravitational Waves Alan Weinstein Education, Outreach
24 Mar 2009
T080171-x0 LIGO Laboratory Activities for LSC MOU Planning - July 2008 Eric Gustafson et al. Document Migration
25 Jul 2008
T080087-x0 Report from the LASTI Technical Advisory Committee Rich Abbott et al. Document Migration
21 Apr 2008
G080154-x0 Status of LIGO Alan Weinstein Document Migration
11 Apr 2008
T070284-x0 Recommendations Concerning LIGO Control Room Software Tools for Enhanced and Advanced LIGO Duncan Brown et al. Document Migration
24 Jan 2008
T070031-x0 Revised LASTI Plan Summer 2007-2009 Rich Abbott et al. Document Migration
21 Feb 2007
G070023-x0 Status of the search for Gravitational Waves Alan Weinstein Document Migration
15 Feb 2007
G070006-x0 Status and Future of the Caltech 40m Lab Alan Weinstein Document Migration
30 Jan 2007
G060460-x0 Status of the S4 Ringdown Search - LSC Meeting, August 14-17th, 2006 @ Louisiana State University Duncan Brown et al. Document Migration
18 Jan 2007
T060218-x0 Report of the LASTI Technical Advisory Committee Rich Abbott et al. Document Migration
25 Oct 2006
G060521-x0 Gravitational Waves and LIGO - SURF Introductory Talk Alan Weinstein Document Migration
11 Oct 2006
G060402-x0 Caltech 40m Lab Update - LSC Meeting, August 14-17th, 2006 @ Louisiana State University Benjamin Abbott et al. Document Migration
18 Aug 2006
T060069-x0 Report of the LASTI Technical Advisory Committee Rich Abbott et al. Document Migration
20 Apr 2006
G060127-x0 Results of 40m prototype - LSC Meeting, March 19-22, 2006, Hanford WA Benjamin Abbott et al. Document Migration
14 Apr 2006
G050568-x0 Optical Spring and Optical Resonance in the 40m Detuned RSE Interferometer Benjamin Abbott et al. Document Migration
31 Oct 2005
G050324-x0 Plans for DC Readout Experiment at the 40m Lab Benjamin Abbott et al. Document Migration
08 Sep 2005
G040331-x0 Issues in sensing and control of the 40m and Advanced LIGO optical configuration - LSC Meeting, August 16th-19th, 2004, Hanford WA Seiji Kawamura et al. Document Migration
20 Aug 2004
G040325-x0 40m Laboratory Progress Report - LSC Meeting, August 16th-19th, 2004, Hanford WA Alan Weinstein Document Migration
18 Aug 2004
T030245-x0 LIGO Caltech 40-Meter PSL Supplemental Report Benjamin Abbott et al. Document Migration
10 Aug 2004
G040252-x0 Status of LIGO Searches for Binary Inspiral Gravitational Waves Alan Weinstein Document Migration
08 Jun 2004
G040261-x0 Review of S2 BNS Inspiral Search - LSC Meeting @ Tufts University, June 5-6, 2004 Vassiliki Kalogera et al. Document Migration
08 Jun 2004
G040133-x0 Summary of E10 / S3 Hardware Signal Injections - LSC Meeting, March 15 - 18th, Livingston, LA Bruce Allen et al. Document Migration
24 May 2004
T040054-x0 Diagonalization of the Input Matrix of the Suspension System Seiji Kawamura et al. Document Migration
05 Apr 2004
G040081-x0 40m Laboratory Upgrade Progress Report - LSC Meeting, March 15 - 18th, Livingston, LA Benjamin Abbott et al. Document Migration
18 Mar 2004
G030599-x0 E10/S3 Burst Injections - LSC Meeting, November 10th - 13th, Hanford WA Alan Weinstein Document Migration
14 Nov 2003
G030267-x0 Search for gravitational wave bursts with the first science data from LIGO Alan Weinstein Document Migration
17 Oct 2003
G030428-x0 Update on the Analysis of S2 Burst Hardware Injections Laura Cadonati et al. Document Migration
20 Aug 2003
G030340-x0 First Upper Limits from LIGO on Gravitational wave bursts Alan Weinstein Document Migration
06 Aug 2003
G030111-x0 Wavefront Sensing for Advanced LIGO - LSC Meeting, March 17th - 20th, Livingston, LA Marcus Benna et al. Document Migration
27 Mar 2003
G030081-x0 Hardware Burst Injections in Pre-S2 > S2 - LSC Meeting, March 17th - 20th, Livingston, LA Laura Cadonati et al. Document Migration
27 Mar 2003
G030082-x0 Use of Detector Calibration Info in the Burst Group - LSC Meeting, March 17th - 20th, Livingston, LA Alan Weinstein Document Migration
27 Mar 2003
G020429-x0 40 Meter Lab program for AdvLIGO R&D Alan Weinstein Document Migration
09 Oct 2002
T020144-x0 Wavefront Sensing in Dual-Recycled Interferometers Marcus Benna et al. Document Migration
08 Oct 2002
T020147-x0 Characterizing the length sensing and control system of the mode cleaner in the LIGO 40m lab Benjamin Abbott et al. Document Migration
08 Oct 2002
T020146-x0 Topics in Data Analysis from Gravitational Wave Interferometers, including a Cross Correlation Statistic to Identify Co-incident Bursts in LIGO Surjeet Rajendran et al. Document Migration
08 Oct 2002
T020145-x0 Characterization and commissioning of digital suspensions for the 40m Mode Cleaner Benjamin Abbott et al. Document Migration
08 Oct 2002
T990104-x0 LSC Data Analysis White Paper, Draft V Stephen Anderson et al. Document Migration
07 Oct 2002
T020133-x0 Suspension Wire Breakage Incident of 6/28/02 - Supplemental Elog Items Alan Weinstein Document Migration
24 Sep 2002
G020402-x0 First look at Injection of Burst Waveforms prior to S1 - LSC Meeting, August 19th - 22nd, Hanford WA Alan Weinstein Document Migration
05 Sep 2002
G020401-x0 A Coherence Function Statistic to Identify Coincident Bursts - LSC Meeting, August 19th - 22nd, Hanford WA Surjeet Rajendran et al. Document Migration
03 Sep 2002
G020077-x0 Progress on Burst Simulation - LSC Meeting, March 20 - 23, Livingston LA Alan Weinstein Document Migration
21 Mar 2002
G020060-x0 Discussion of Statistical Methods, Tools, and Simulations - LSC Meeting, March 20 - 23, Livingston LA Alan Weinstein Document Migration
21 Mar 2002
G020016-x0 Status of Burst Upper Limit Working Group Work Alan Weinstein Document Migration
27 Feb 2002
T010159-x0 The Pre Stabilized Laser for the LIGO Caltech 40m Interferometer: Stability Controls and Characterization Andrea De Michele et al. Document Migration
23 Jan 2002
T010160-x0 Simulations of Advanced Ligo: Comparisons Between Twiddle and E2E Richard George et al. Document Migration
23 Jan 2002
G020007-x0 Gravitational Waves and LIGO - Talk given at UCSC, 1/10/02 Alan Weinstein Document Migration
23 Jan 2002
T010162-x0 Characterization and Testing of the Optical Properties of the LIGO 40m Lab Pre-Stabilized Laser Timofei Piatenko et al. Document Migration
23 Jan 2002
T010161-x0 LIGO Physics Environmental Monitoring at the 40-meter Prototype Victor Tsai et al. Document Migration
23 Jan 2002
T010157-x0 ANALYSIS OF BURST SIGNALS IN LIGO DATA Alan Weinstein et al. Document Migration
23 Jan 2002
23 Jan 2002
T010114-x0 Burst/Stochastic Mock Data Challenge Warren Anderson et al. Document Migration
13 Dec 2001
T010145-x0 LIGO Caltech 40-Meter PSL Commissioning Report Benjamin Abbott et al. Document Migration
05 Dec 2001
G010385-x0 40M Dual Recycling Conceptual Design Review. . . Alan Weinstein Document Migration
26 Nov 2001
T010115-x0 Conceptual Design of the 40 meter Laboratory Upgrade for Prototyping a Advanced LIGO Interferometer Benjamin Abbott et al. Document Migration
26 Nov 2001
G010281-x0 Report to Caltech 40 Meter Technical Advisory Committee (TAC) - LSC Meeting August 13 -16, Hanford WA Alan Weinstein Document Migration
17 Aug 2001
G010326-x0 Simulation of Burst Waveforms and Burst Event Triggers - LSC Meeting August 13 - 16, Hanford WA Alan Weinstein Document Migration
17 Aug 2001
G010253-x0 Advanced LIGO Optical Configuration Prototyping and Modeling at Caltech Alan Weinstein Document Migration
17 Jul 2001
T010064-x0 A Study of Gravitational Waves and The Response of Advanced LIGO as Top-Level Parameters Are Varied Lisa Goggin et al. Document Migration
05 Jun 2001
G010009-x0 Caltech 40 Meter Prototype Program - NSF Review Alan Weinstein Document Migration
11 Apr 2001
G010079-x0 Caltech 40 meter Prototype Program - LSC Meeting March 14 -17 2001 Livingston, LA Alan Weinstein Document Migration
21 Mar 2001
T010028-x0 Performance of STACIS Seismic Isolation System at the 40 Meter Lab Larry Jones et al. Document Migration
13 Mar 2001
T000126-x0 Vacuum Pressure at the 40 Meter and the New Output Optic Chamber Dennis Ugolini et al. Document Migration
28 Nov 2000
T000122-x0 Study of the Optical Parameters of the 40m LIGO Prototype Lisa Goggin et al. Document Migration
08 Nov 2000
T000121-x0 Determining Lengths and Optical Parameters for Dual Recycling at the 40m LIGO Prototype T Jou et al. Document Migration
08 Nov 2000
T000123-x0 Wavefront Sensing for the 40m LIGO Prototype Brian Kappus et al. Document Migration
08 Nov 2000
T000097-x0 Understanding the LIGO Optics Suspension Controller Electronics Design - SURF Report by Ivica Stevanovic Ivica Stevanovic et al. Document Migration
18 Sep 2000
G000194-x0 40 M Prototype Upgrade - LSC Meeting at Hanford, August 15-17, 2000 Alan Weinstein Document Migration
22 Aug 2000
G000179-x0 Time Capsule at 40m Laboratory Alan Weinstein Document Migration
03 Aug 2000
G000183-x0 LIGO Posters at 40m Laboratory Alan Weinstein Document Migration
03 Aug 2000
G000166-x0 Physics of LIGO, Lecture 4 Alan Weinstein Document Migration
05 Jul 2000
G000163-x0 Gravitational Wave Detectors, Lecture 1B Alan Weinstein Document Migration
05 Jul 2000
G000165-x0 Physics of LIGO, Lecture 3 Alan Weinstein Document Migration
05 Jul 2000
G000164-x0 Physics of LIGO, Lecture 2 Alan Weinstein Document Migration
05 Jul 2000
G000167-x0 Gravitational Waves and LIGO Alan Weinstein Document Migration
05 Jul 2000
T000056-x0 Calculation of Cavity Lengths and RF Frequencies for RSE at the 40M Alan Weinstein Document Migration
21 May 2000
G990132-x0 Plans for the 40m Upgrade Alan Weinstein Document Migration
18 May 2000
G990133-x0 Optical Design Considerations for the 40m Upgrade Alan Weinstein Document Migration
18 May 2000
T000055-x0 Proposal for Upgrade of 40m Prototype - Large Seismic Stacks, and Bakeout Dennis Ugolini et al. Document Migration
18 May 2000
T000054-x0 Upgrade of the 40m Vacuum System T Jou et al. Document Migration
18 May 2000
T000057-x0 Proposal for Reorganization of 40m Computing Dennis Ugolini et al. Document Migration
18 May 2000
T000058-x0 Measurement of Seismic Motion at 40m and Transfer Function of Seismic Stacks Dennis Ugolini et al. Document Migration
18 May 2000
G000137-x0 40m Upgrade Plans Alan Weinstein Document Migration
16 May 2000
G000134-x0 40m Upgrade Plans Alan Weinstein Document Migration
12 May 2000

Number of documents found: 207

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