LIGO Document M1900142-v2

Annual project report, NSF PHY-1846142 "Worshop on large ultrahigh vacuum systems"

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M - Management or Policy
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The first Workshop on Large Ultrahigh Vacuum Systems for Frontier Scientific Research Instrumentation, sponsored under this Award, was held at the LIGO Livingston, LA site on Jan. 28 - 31, 2019. The Workshop Proceedings (LIGO-P1900072) outlined specific programs of targeted research, now under active pursuit at Caltech, CERN, NIST, College of William and Mary, Material Forensics LLC, Cornell, MIT, Fermilab, and other institutions, and endorsed a recommendation to reconvene the group in about one year.
A second workshop was thus planned for spring of 2020, to be hosted at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland. With concurrence of the NSF Program Officer, unused Award participant costs were carried forward to support travel for US-based attendees to this follow-up workshop.
The CERN meeting was postponed due to the global Coronavirus pandemic, and was finally convened between 27 and 29 March, 2023 (Beampipes for Gravitational Wave Telescopes 2023). The Award funded travel to Geneva for three of our original US-based Workshop participants: Yulin Li (Cornell), Zuxing [Alex] Chen (Fermilab), and Stefan Ballmer (Syracuse).
Transformative progress was reported at the CERN meeting, despite the intervening pandemic. Presentations and discussions showed substantial traction on the principal objectives articulated in 2019, plus several new and promising ideas. The worldwide effort has gained significant momentum in view of the NSF funding of a CE Vacuum Study award (PI Albert Lazzarini, LIGO Lab), a substantial resource commitment by the CERN Vacuum, Materials and Coatings division, and the recent allocation of design and prototype funding to the European Einstein Telescope gravitational wave project.
Files in Document:
  • pdf (M1900142-v2_Vacuum_Workshop_FY23_Annual_Report.pdf, file is not accessible)
Other Files:
  • docx (M1900142-v2_Vacuum_Workshop_FY23_Annual_Report.docx, file is not accessible)
3G vacuum workshop
Notes and Changes:
-v2 corresponds to FY23 report filed July 13, 2023. See prior versions (at upper right) for previous year reports.

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