Document List by Author Group

LVK is listed as an author group on the following documents:

LIGO-Number Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
P2100217-v8 Conference proceedings acknowledgements for the LIGO Scientific Collaboration and the Virgo Collaboration LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Data Analysis
06 Sep 2024
G2401726-v1 LVK Observatory Status and O4 Update (for OpenMMA telecon 29 Aug 2024) Jenne Driggers et al. Detector
29 Aug 2024
G2302098-v15 LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Cumulative Detection plot - O1-O4b Brian Lantz et al. Public Talk / Colloquium
Public relations
Education, Outreach
18 Jun 2024
P2300352-v14 Observation of Gravitational Waves from the Coalescence of a 2.5-4.5 M_\odot Compact Object and a Neutron Star LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Compact Binaries
26 Jul 2024
P2300364-v12 Swift-BAT GUANO follow-up of gravitational-wave triggers in the third LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA observing run LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
24 Jul 2024
P2300080-v6 Search for Eccentric Black Hole Mergers during the O3 Observing Run of LIGO and Virgo Imre Bartos et al. GW Bursts
Compact Binaries
Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
Data Analysis
07 Aug 2023
G2401454-v1 Strathclyde update on a-Si and SiNx for Voyager meeting (August 2023) Stuart Reid et al. Core Optics
Basic R&D
19 Jul 2024
P2300250-v6 Ultralight vector dark matter search using data from the KAGRA O3GK run Jun'ya Kume et al. Other data analysis
05 Mar 2024
P2100275-v13 Tests of General Relativity with GWTC-3 LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Compact Binaries
28 Apr 2022
P2100098-v14 Constraints on dark photon dark matter using data from LIGO's and Virgo's third observing run LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Stochastic
Continuous Wave
08 May 2024
P2100387-v12 Search for gravitational-wave transients associated with magnetar bursts in Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo data from the third observing run Kara Merfeld et al. GW Bursts
Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
02 May 2024
G2400915-v5 ODW 2024: Data quality in gravitational-wave detectors Hirotaka Yuzurihara et al. Public Talk / Colloquium
18 Apr 2024
G2400948-v2 Compact Binary Coalescence Searches in Gravitational Waves Sunil Choudhary et al. Public Talk / Colloquium
18 Apr 2024
G2400946-v1 ODW 2024: Introduction Takahiro Sawada et al. Public Talk / Colloquium
17 Apr 2024
G2400888-v2 Tutorial on continuous gravitational wave searches in Open Data Workshop 7 TakahiroS Yamamoto et al. Activity
Continuous Wave
16 Apr 2024
T2300406-v1 The LSC-Virgo-KAGRA Observational Science White Paper (2024 Edition) Patrick J. Sutton et al. Data Analysis
05 Mar 2024
P2300439-v1 Erratum: Constraints on dark photon dark matter using data from LIGO's and Virgo's third observing run AndrewLawrence Miller et al. Stochastic
Continuous Wave
12 Feb 2024
P2100213-v3 Science Summaries: explaining LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA results to the global public (CAP2021 proceedings) David Keitel et al. Education, Outreach
30 Jan 2024
M2000123-v2 Naming Convention for the Gravitational Wave Transient Catalog Jolien Creighton et al. Policies
GW Bursts
Compact Binaries
20 Dec 2023
G2302381-v1 LIGO: Megascience in India Brian O'Reilly et al. Public relations
14 Dec 2023
G2102312-v3 O3b Catalog Fact Sheet Martin Hendry et al. Education, Outreach
07 Nov 2021
P2000318-v11 GWTC-3: Compact Binary Coalescences Observed by LIGO and Virgo During the Second Part of the Third Observing Run Christopher Berry et al. Compact Binaries
05 Dec 2023
P2200031-v8 Search for gravitational-lensing signatures in the full third observing run of the LIGO-Virgo network Jose Ezquiaga et al. Compact Binaries
14 May 2023
M1900037-v2 LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Code of Conduct LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Policies
26 Oct 2023
G2102395-v1 LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Cumulative Detection plot LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Public relations
19 Oct 2023
G2001862-v4 LIGO-Virgo Cumulative Event Rate Plot O1-O3b LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Public relations
19 Oct 2023
P2100436-v11 A Joint Fermi-GBM and Swift-BAT Analysis of Gravitational-Wave Candidates from the Third Gravitational-wave Observing Run LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
30 Aug 2023
P2200316-v15 Open data from the third observing run of LIGO, Virgo, KAGRA and GEO Eric Chassande-Mottin et al. Operations
Other data analysis
07 Aug 2023
T2300168-v2 Technical note: PyCBC Live p_astro for O4 Thomas Dent et al. Compact Binaries
Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
31 May 2023
P2100367-v13 All-sky search for continuous gravitational waves from isolated neutron stars using Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo O3 data LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Continuous Wave
17 Jun 2022
G2301001-v2 Gravitational Wave Searches for Compact Binary Mergers Koustav Chandra et al. Data Analysis
16 May 2023
P2100185-v6 Constraints on the cosmic expansion history from GWTC-3 LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Compact Binaries
19 Nov 2021
G2300834-v2 Engineering Run - ER15 Brian O'Reilly et al. Operations
13 Apr 2023
G2300837-v1 KAGRA status, for OpenLVKEM 2023-04-13 Takahiro Sawada et al. Operations
13 Apr 2023
G2300796-v1 Recordings of openLVKEM call 30 March 2023 Patrick Brady et al. Public relations
Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
03 Apr 2023
P2100124-v14 Search for Gravitational Waves Associated with Fast Radio Bursts Detected by CHIME/FRB During the LIGO--Virgo Observing Run O3a Ryan Fisher et al. GW Bursts
Compact Binaries
Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
08 Nov 2022
G2300146-v2 Gravitational Wave Astronomy Gabriela Gonzalez et al. Public Talk / Colloquium
05 Mar 2023
T2200395-v1 Notes on LALDemod Xavier Siemens et al. Continuous Wave
23 Feb 2023
P2200139-v10 Search for subsolar-mass black hole binaries in the second part of Advanced LIGO's and Advanced Virgo’s third observing run Sebastien Clesse et al. Compact Binaries
Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
02 Feb 2023
G2300152-v1 Update on KAGRA instrument Takahiro Sawada et al. Detector
26 Jan 2023
G2300149-v1 Update on LIGO instruments Brian O'Reilly et al. Detector
25 Jan 2023
T2200419-v1 Data Products for O3 Sco X-1 CrossCorr Paper LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Continuous Wave
02 Jan 2023
P2100110-v13 Model-based cross-correlation search for gravitational waves from the low-mass X-ray binary Scorpius X-1 in LIGO O3 data LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Continuous Wave
02 Jan 2023
P2100239-v11 The population of merging compact binaries inferred using gravitational waves through GWTC-3 LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Compact Binaries
Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
03 Feb 2022
T2200043-v3 Noise Curves for use in simulations pre-O4 Michael Coughlin et al. Operations
Public relations
Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
15 Dec 2022
E2100222-v10 Specification: Silicon Test Mass HR/AR Coatings, 40m Mariner phase I (ITM & ETM) Francisco Carcoba et al. Core Optics
23 Aug 2021
G2201968-v1 Instrument Status for LVEM Town Hall meeting October 27, 2022 Fiodor Sorrentino et al. Detector
27 Oct 2022
G2201712-v1 Low-Latency Update (openLVEM Presentation September 22nd, 2022) Roberto DePietri et al. Operations
22 Sep 2022
M2200155-v6 Brief Guide to Citing the LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Collaboration Keith Riles et al. Detector
Data Analysis
18 Sep 2022
P2100405-v11 Search for gravitational waves from Scorpius X-1 with a hidden Markov model in O3 LIGO data Andres Vargas et al. Continuous Wave
25 Jan 2022
P1200087-v58 Prospects for Observing and Localizing Gravitational-Wave Transients with Advanced LIGO, Advanced Virgo and KAGRA LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. GW Bursts
Compact Binaries
Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
01 Aug 2022
G2201173-v10 O4 run plans, risks, and data release Brian O'Reilly et al. Reports
21 Jul 2022
G2102190-v3 Poster: Overview of LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Results from the O3 Observing Run Peter Shawhan et al. Data Analysis
06 Jul 2022
P2100437-v6 Search for continuous gravitational wave emission from the Milky Way center in O3 LIGO--Virgo data LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Continuous Wave
12 Apr 2022
P2100163-v9 Search for subsolar-mass binaries in the first half of Advanced LIGO and Virgo's third observing run LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Compact Binaries
Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
Data Analysis
30 May 2022
P2100292-v13 All-sky, all-frequency directional search for persistent gravitational-waves from Advanced LIGO's and Advanced Virgo's first three observing runs LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Stochastic
Basic R&D
20 May 2022
P2100025-v11 Search for intermediate mass black hole binaries in the third observing run of Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Compact Binaries
02 Jun 2021
T1900023-v2 Third generation beamtube vacuum system study v2 Rainer Weiss et al. Vacuum
04 May 2022
P2100049-v10 Searches for Gravitational Waves from Known Pulsars at Two Harmonics in the Second and Third LIGO-Virgo Observing Runs LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Continuous Wave
25 Apr 2022
P2100286-v12 First joint observation by the underground gravitational-wave detector, KAGRA, with GEO 600 LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. GW Bursts
Compact Binaries
Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
12 Apr 2022
T2000012-v2 Noise curves used for Simulations in the update of the Observing Scenarios Paper Brian O'Reilly et al. Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
06 Apr 2022
G2200599-v1 LVK webinar series: Known continuous wave sources Ian Jones et al. Continuous Wave
27 Mar 2022
P2100456-v1 Data release for Tests of General Relativity with GWTC-3 Deirdre Shoemaker et al. Compact Binaries
25 Mar 2022
P2100267-v12 Narrowband searches for continuous and long-duration transient gravitational waves from known pulsars in the LIGO-Virgo third observing run LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Continuous Wave
20 Mar 2022
G2102435-v8 Data release for Narrowband searches for continuous and long-duration transient gravitational waves from known pulsars in the LIGO-Virgo third observing run LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Continuous Wave
15 Mar 2022
G2200241-v2 LVK webinar slides: Searching for continuous gravitational waves from unknown sources Brynmor Haskell et al. Continuous Wave
Education, Outreach
24 Feb 2022
P2100091-v9 Search for Gravitational Waves Associated with Gamma-Ray Bursts Detected by Fermi and Swift During the LIGO-Virgo Run O3b LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. GW Bursts
Compact Binaries
Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
08 Feb 2022
P2000500-v11 Search for anisotropic gravitational-wave backgrounds using data from Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo's first three observing runs LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Stochastic
01 Feb 2022
T2100289-v6 The LSC-Virgo-KAGRA Observational Science White Paper (Summer 2021 edition) LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Data Analysis
11 Jan 2022
P2100069-v9 Constraints from LIGO O3 data on gravitational wave emission due to r-modes in the glitching pulsar PSR J0537-6910 LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Continuous Wave
07 Jan 2022
G2102458-v1 Webinar: The population of merging compact binaries inferred using gravitational waves through GWTC-3 Richard O'Shaughnessy et al. Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
10 Dec 2021
G2102416-v2 GWTC-3 webinar Christopher Berry et al. Compact Binaries
06 Dec 2021
P2100221-v6 Search for continuous gravitational waves from 20 accreting millisecond X-ray pulsars in O3 LIGO data LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Continuous Wave
22 Nov 2021
T2100430-v3 Operations White Paper (Summer 2021 Edition) - Public Version Brian O'Reilly et al. Operations
Data quality / vetoes
Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
Detector Characterization
22 Oct 2021
G2102029-v6 Data for All-sky, all-frequency directional search for persistent gravitational-waves from Advanced LIGO's and Advanced Virgo's first three observing runs LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Stochastic
Basic R&D
19 Oct 2021
T2100307-v8 C&E Division White Paper 2021-22 Martin Hendry et al. Education, Outreach
14 Oct 2021
M2100070-v3 LVK Alert Service Requirements Document Deep Chatterjee et al. Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
12 Oct 2021
P2100045-v8 All-sky search for short gravitational-wave bursts in the third Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo run LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. GW Bursts
Data Analysis
05 Oct 2021
P2100078-v12 All-sky search for long-duration gravitational-wave transients in the third Advanced LIGO and Advanced Virgo observing run LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. GW Bursts
Data Analysis
01 Oct 2021
P2000334-v9 All-sky Search for Continuous Gravitational Waves from Isolated Neutron Stars in the Early O3 LIGO Data LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Continuous Wave
Data Analysis
15 Sep 2021
T2100313-v3 LIGO and Virgo Calibration Uncertainty (O1, O2 and O3) LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Calibration
07 Sep 2021
P2000479-v10 Searches for continuous gravitational waves from young supernova remnants in the early third observing run of Advanced LIGO and Virgo LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Continuous Wave
13 Jul 2021
M2000263-v8 August 2020 LSC and August 2020 Virgo and August 2020 KAGRA author list John Whelan et al. Collaboration
02 Jul 2021
G2101412-v1 LVK Webinar: Gravitational Waves from neutron star-black hole coalescences LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Data Analysis
01 Jul 2021
P2000357-v9 Observation of gravitational waves from two neutron star–black hole coalescences LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Compact Binaries
29 Jun 2021
P2100143-v2 Data release for GW200105_162426 and GW200115_042309 LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Computing/archiving
27 Jun 2021
G2002165-v5 Data products and supplemental information for O3 stochastic directional paper LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Stochastic
17 Jun 2021
P2000314-v9 Upper Limits on the Isotropic Gravitational-Wave Background from Advanced LIGO's and Advanced Virgo's Third Observing Run LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Stochastic
11 Jun 2021
P2000506-v20 Constraints on cosmic strings using data from the third Advanced LIGO-Virgo observing run LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. GW Bursts
24 May 2021
P2000407-v17 Diving below the spin-down limit: Constraints on gravitational waves from the energetic young pulsar PSR J0537-6910 LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Continuous Wave
28 Apr 2021
T2000294-v4 LSC-Virgo Operations White Paper (Summer 2020 edition) Nicolas Arnaud et al. Operations
Data quality / vetoes
External Collaboration
Data and Computing
Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
Detector Characterization
21 Apr 2021
G2001847-v3 GWTC-2: Data Behind Figure 13 - Jensen Shannon Divergence LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Data Analysis
26 Feb 2021
G2001423-v5 BlackHoleDiagrams: The Einstein-Rosen Bridge and the Schwarzschild Wormhole Gregory Mendell et al. Public Talk / Colloquium
22 Sep 2020
T2000405-v4 Technical Notes on Null Stream Polarization Test Chun-Fung Wong et al. Compact Binaries
21 Sep 2020
P2000021-v12 Properties and astrophysical implications of the 150 Msun binary black hole merger GW190521 LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. GW Bursts
Compact Binaries
Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
05 Sep 2020
T2000424-v2 The LSC-Virgo-KAGRA Observational Science White Paper (Summer 2020 edition) LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Data Analysis
04 Sep 2020
P2000136-v3 Measuring gravitational-wave subdominant multipoles Stephen Fairhurst et al. Compact Binaries
Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
Data Analysis
18 Apr 2020
G2000846-v2 GW190814 factsheet Martin Hendry et al. Education, Outreach
24 Jun 2020
G1901531-v3 Current O3 Schedule Brian O'Reilly et al. Public Talk / Colloquium
Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
16 Apr 2020
G1902307-v1 Nanolayers Re-Thought Innocenzo M Pinto et al. Core Optics
09 Dec 2019
T1900521-v2 LSC-Virgo Operations White Paper (Summer 2019 edition) David Shoemaker et al. Detector
Data quality / vetoes
Detector Characterization
27 Nov 2019
T1900780-v1 LSC EPO White Paper and Executive Summary 2019-20 (public version) Martin Hendry et al. Education, Outreach
12 Nov 2019
G1901910-v1 Recordings of openLVEM call September 26 2019 Brian O'Reilly et al. Public relations
Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
27 Sep 2019
G1901885-v2 O3 LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Update Keita Kawabe et al. Detector
26 Sep 2019
G1901482-v2 O3 LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA Update Keita Kawabe et al. Public Talk / Colloquium
15 Aug 2019
G1901461-v3 Detection of Gravitational Wave Transients in the Era of LSST Alan Weinstein et al. Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
12 Aug 2019
P1900218-v2 Advanced LIGO, Advanced Virgo and KAGRA observing run plans LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Astrophysics / Multi-messenger
11 Jul 2019

Number of documents found: 107

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