LIGO Document E080177-x0

RGA Test Qualification for the BSC Suspension Structures

Document #:
Document type:
E - Engineering documents
Other Versions:
15 Apr 2020, 14:56
21 Dec 2009, 10:27
This specification is for the non-volatile residue (NVR) cleanliness qualification by RGA testing of suspension structures which are to be installed into the BSC chambers of the LIGO facility. These structures include the ETM suspension, ITM suspension, FM suspension and BS suspension.
This specification does not address particulate contamination requirements or qualification, nor does it address other components of the suspension assemblies or other equipment which are installed into the LIGO UHV system.
Files in Document:
Other Files:
RGA test
Notes and Changes:

Rev E080177-A-D:
- Full document number: LIGO-E080177-A-D
- Author(s): Dennis Coyne
- Document date: 2008-04-22
- Document received date: 2008-05-05
- Document entry date: 2008-05-05

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