LIGO Document T1400457-v1

Thermal Noise in Ultra-Stable Fabry-Perot Cavities

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T - Technical notes
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The Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) aims to detect gravitational waves, which requires high precision detectors. The test masses of LIGO are mirrors, which have dielectric coatings consisting of silica and tantala. The mirror coatings are a limiting noise source in the most sensitive frequency band (50-300 Hz). Theoretical calculation of thermal noise in this frequency range has yet to be verified. Ultra stable dual Fabry-Perot cavities can be used to measure the coating noise as well as identify and reduce various noises by using a feedback control system and various laboratory skills. The goal of this project is to determine whether CTN light, which is known to be stable, can be transported to other labs to be used as a stable frequency reference.
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