LIGO Document T080232-x0

Gravitational Waves and LIGO: Opening New "Eyes" on the Universe

Document #:
Document type:
T - Technical notes
Other Versions:
22 Apr 2009, 09:31
Lecture notes to accompany seminar presented to the Westinghouse Science Honors Institute, Pittsburgh, PA.


Gravitational Waves
- Differences between Newtonian Gravity and General Relativity; prediction of GW
Sources of Gravitational Waves
- Production of GW
- Main types of GW:
* Continuous GW
* Inspiral GW
* Burst GW
* Stochastic GW
Detecting Gravitational Waves
- Effects of GW on space
- IFO introduction and LIGO
The Interferometer
- Basic IFO design
- Environmental noise
- IFO enhancements from basic design
* Vacuum
* Seismic isolation
The Potential of Gravitational Waves
- GW astronomy advantages over traditional EM astronomy
- Questions GW astronomy may answer
For Further Information
- Reading:
* "Einstein's Unfinished Symphony" by Marcia Bartusiak
* Einstein@Home website
- Viewing:
* "Einstein's Messengers" by the NSF
* "Gravity: Making Waves" by the American Museum of Natural History
- Contact
* Amber Stuver (

Files in Document:
Notes and Changes:
Westinghouse Science Honors Institute Lecture Notes

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