LIGO Document E1100296-v1

aLIGO BSC-ISI, Pre-integration Test Report, Phase I, LHO Unit #3

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aLIGO BSC-ISI, Pre-integration Test Report, Phase I, LHO Unit #3 - BSC2
BSC-ISI Testing
Notes and Changes:
This is the third “aLigo BSC-ISI” tested at LHO. The testing procedure document E1000483-v5 was used. Tests were done during in October 2012.

The LHO ISI-BSC2 is validated per the tests presented in this report. All results are posted on the SVN at:


1-List of tests that failed/waived and won’t be redone
-Step II.10 – Mass budget – The mass of the payload is slightly lower than the design
-Step III.9 – Spring constant – The blades are slightly softer than the design. However, the blade softness and the payload are in good agreements. It doesn’t have any effect on the rigid body modes of the ISI.

2-List of tests that failed/waived, that need to be re-done during phase 2

3-List of tests skipped that won't be performed because not feasible during phase II (i.e. stage 0 leveling)
-Step II.5 – Check level of Stage 0 after top-bottom plate assembly
-Step II.8 – Blade 0-1 Post Launch Angle – No need for this test, the budget mass looks good and we already reposition the Blades after noticing a gap between the Blade and its Spacer on Stage 0-1 (see comment on Step 9 – Vertical Spring Constant).

4-List of tests skipped that we won't do because they are not essential (i.e. redundant with another test)
-Step III.3 – Measure the Sensor gap - This test was not performed. The sensor gaps have not been measured. These sensors have already been checked at LASTI. Moreover, risks of scratching the target are so high that we preferred not performing this test. In the future, this test will be removed from the testing procedure.
-Step III.8 – Vertical sensor calibration - The test is not realized in a proper way to evaluate accurately the calibration of the vertical CPS.

5-Lists of tests skipped that needs to be done during phase II.
-Step III.14 – Symmetrization – Calibration
-Step III.16 – Transfer functions – Cartesian to Cartesian - Simulations
-Step III.17 – Lower Zero Moment Plan
-Step III.18.1 – Damping Loops – Stage 2
-Step III.18.2 – Damping Loops – Stage 1
-Step III.20 – Isolation loops

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