Notes: -
1. Please find the chamber level drawings included as both .pdf's and e-drawings. A plan view .jpg is also included. We have included dimensions, views and configurations that we feel will be useful. Additions can be made but users should remember that they can measure and move items using e-drawings.
2. All of the associated SolidWorks (SW) files are available on the PDMWorks Vault.
3. In the SW files the laser beam can be viewed down to chamber level. In the DCC documents, above, the laser beam can be seen in either the .jpg or e-drawings.
4. There are 2 eDrawings on this rev. One shows a simple version of all components, and the other shows a full version (available at rev v6).
5. PDF Drawing needs to be rev up to v6.
As of Jan 26, 2011 we have added four JPEG files showing Top View w/Laser & w/o Laser, Elevation and ISO View, to give an updated picture of HAM3-H1 chamber. Also a PDF file has been added, showing all componentes on HAM table with Dog Clamps.
Things to do on HAM3-H1 table:
1. Move cabling brackets on lower right hand corner.
2. Dog Clamps on D1002993 Baffle
3. Add IO laser and update main laser