Document List by Author

Harald Pfeiffer of Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics is listed as an author on the following documents:
(List events moderated by Harald Pfeiffer)

LIGO-Number Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
P2000357-v9 Observation of gravitational waves from two neutron star–black hole coalescences LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Compact Binaries
29 Jun 2021
P2100143-v2 Data release for GW200105_162426 and GW200115_042309 LIGO Scientific Collaboration et al. Computing/archiving
27 Jun 2021
G2001282-v1 Visualization of GW190521 Nils Fischer et al. Compact Binaries
Education, Outreach
19 Jun 2021
G2000730-v3 Visualization of GW190814 Nils Fischer et al. Compact Binaries
Education, Outreach
19 Jun 2021
G2000575-v5 Visualization of the GW190412 event based on a simulation by the SXS collaboration Nils Fischer et al. Compact Binaries
Education, Outreach
19 Jun 2021
P2000140-v4 Multipolar Effective-One-Body Waveforms for Precessing Binary Black Holes: Construction and Validation Serguei Ossokine et al. Compact Binaries
17 Apr 2020
T1800226-v4 Overview LAL Gravitational Wave frame definitions Harald Pfeiffer Compact Binaries
09 Dec 2019
T1500606-v5 Numerical Relativity Injection Infrastructure Patricia Schmidt et al. Compact Binaries
18 Jul 2016
T1600380-v11 CBC NR MOU Projects Gabriela Gonzalez et al. Collaboration
Data Analysis
01 Nov 2016
P1600198-v11 Modeling the source of GW150914 with targeted numerical-relativity simulations Geoffrey Lovelace et al. Compact Binaries
GW source predictions
18 Jul 2016
P080123-x0 Samurai project: Verifying the consistency of black-hole-binary waveforms for gravitational-wave detection Deirdre Shoemaker et al. Document Migration
Public relations
27 Oct 2009
P070101-x0 High-accuracy comparison of numerical relativity simulations with post-Newtonian expansions Duncan Brown et al. Document Migration
Public relations
16 Oct 2009
P070063-x0 Reducing orbital eccentricity in binary black hole simulations Duncan Brown et al. Document Migration
Public relations
14 Oct 2009

Number of documents found: 13

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