Document List by Author

Antonio Perreca of Virgo Collaboration is listed as an author on the following documents:

LIGO-Number Title Author(s) Topic(s) Last Updated
T1500188-v5 Active Wavefront Control Roadmap Aidan Brooks et al. Conceptual Design
State Control and Monitoring
Sensing and Control
Preliminary Design
Auxiliary Optics
Core Optics
Basic R&D
30 Nov 2018
G1600447-v3 FINESSE - Numerical Simulations for Optical Design and Commissioning Daniel Toyra et al. Commissioning
17 May 2016
G1501092-v1 FINESSE - Numerical Simulations for Optical Design and Commissioning Anna Green et al. Modelling
03 Feb 2016
G1300212-v1 Optical Trap for Angular Degree of Freedom David Kelley et al. Basic R&D
27 Aug 2015

Number of documents found: 4

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