LIGO Document T2300327-v1

Leveraging the stability of the Photon Calibrator X/Y comparison to reduce system uncertainty

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T - Technical notes
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All second-generation gravitational wave detectors use laser radiation pressure to calibrate the detector output signals. A significant source of uncertainty for these Photon Calibrator (Pcal) systems, one usually installed at each interferometer end station, is unintended rotation of the suspended mirrors. Comparing the two Pcal system calibrations enables reducing calibration uncertainty. At the LIGO Hanford Observatory (LHO), this X/Y comparison has been calculated continuously since May 2023 and has been stable within 0.05 %. This stability can be leveraged to quantify interferometer and Pcal beam position offsets. Reducing Pcal beam position errors minimizes unintended rotation. Moving the position of one Pcal beam by 2.5 mm at the LHO X-end station is expected to the change the X/Y comparison by as much as 0.0054, more than ten times the observed X/Y comparison variations. A second measurement with the Pcal beam displaced orthogonally can be used to quantify both the magnitude and direction of the interferometer beam position offset. Making similar measurements after known displacements of the interferometer beam can be used to quantify center of force offsets for the Pcal beams. This method would provide a means for minimizing one of the largest sources of uncertainty for the Photon Calibrator systems.
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Notes and Changes:
Final Report from Julianna_Lewis for 2023 SURF

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