LIGO Document T2100342-v1

Non-Linear Noise Subtraction for Low Frequency

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T - Technical notes
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The amplitude of the noise in laser interferometric data limits the astrophysical information that can be extracted from it. LIGO has a strong history in reducing the linear and stationary noise at different frequencies by monitoring auxiliary sensors and the correlation with the estimated strain at a given time. Recently, it was shown that nonlinear correlations could be used to reduce the noise even further for the case of the noise spectral density around 60 Hz in laser interferometers. The approach involved utilizing two types of auxiliary channels, each with different spectral content. In this project, a similar methodology will be investigated for the lower part of the LIGO spectrum (around and below 10 HZ) where the gravitational wave memory from Core Collapse Supernovae and pre-merger binary star signals have significant energy.
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