LIGO Document T2000720-v1

Unidentified O3a lines in C00 data

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T - Technical notes
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07 Apr 2021, 17:53
Lists of unidentified lines for H1 and L1 during the O3a epoch.

Run-averaged, noise-weighted spectra were generated using 7200-s-long FFTs (Tukey-windowing) from observing quality data minus CAT1 vetoes. Spectra data was inspected visually for artifacts and correlated with known non-astrophysical features. Those that could not, at this time, be correlated with a known non-astrophysical source are listed in the unidentified line list. These lists may be periodically revised as additional understanding and insights are gained. Since the spectra are high-resolution and many averages are used to create the O3a run-average spectra, many more features are visible than would be when analyzing spectra made using short FFT duration and few averages. The high resolution allows to see many artifacts in different frequency bins as well as revealing weak features that need many averages to stick out of the background.

These lists contain only a subset of spectral artifacts present in the data; other vetted non-astrophysical features are also present. See See T2000719-v1

[files from repo with git tag: O3a_lines_v1_1]

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