LIGO Document T2000584-v3

Characterization of systematic error in Advanced LIGO calibration in the second half of O3 (O3B)

Document #:
Document type:
T - Technical notes
Other Versions:
Official update of systematic error for O3B.

In this technical note, we present the probability distribution of systematic errors in the most accurate, offline version of the reconstructed dimensionless strain h, at the Hanford and Livingston LIGO detectors, used for gravitational-wave astrophysical parameter estimation in O3B.
This work extends the results presented in Sun et. al (2020).
We find the level of systematic errors roughly consistent with O3A, and yet that changes of detector configurations introduce a non-negligible change in the frequency dependence of the error, leading to larger uncertainties and/or larger errors during some observational time.
The complex-valued, frequency-dependent, and slowly time-varying maximum excursions from zero systematic error in the frequency band 20-2000 Hz are at best 1.20 +/- 3.42% (68% CI) and at worst 1.97 +/- 11.29% (68% CI) in magnitude.
As O3 pushes the limits of our methods in modeling a confidence interval for all times of systematic error to a practical limit not dominated by the uncertainty in absolute reference systems, we expect these levels of systematic error to remain consistent in all future observing runs of the Advanced LIGO era.

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