LIGO Document T1800447-v7

Design Requirement Document of the A+ filter cavity (HSTS) and relay optics (HDS, HXDS) for frequency dependent squeezing

Document #:
Document type:
T - Technical notes
Other Versions:
31 Jan 2020, 15:12
15 Aug 2019, 08:32
DRD for frequency dependent squeezing in A+
Files in Document:
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Notes and Changes:
v5/v6 includes updates/corrections following review E1900223
v7 incorporates the coating design, derivation of the phase noise req's on RLF, and baffle diffraction requirements.

Note added by Norna re vertical isolation of HSTSs for the filter cavity. The baseline choice of 90dB worth of Faraday isolation, corresponding to the green curves in figure 5, shows that additional passive vertical damping (i.e. over and above what the current design of HSTS gives) is not necessary.

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