LIGO Document T1600311-v3

Template Bank Thinning based on Zeroth Order Threshold over Chirp Time

Document #:
Document type:
T - Technical notes
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We present here a modification to the search pipeline PyCBC to accommodate for the usage of injection specific template bank which allows for thinning/trimming the template bank used for matched filtering, thereby throwing away the extra computational hours needed to look over templates in the bank completely unrelated to the injection in question. This relation is quantified by implementing a threshold on chirp time of the compact binary system such that only if the template falls within the window defined by the threshold, would it be filtered to get the trigger list. The inspiral code forms only the first part of the entire search protocol and threshold is decided or rather reverse engineered by looking at the triggers of the existing runs in O1. The modified template bank consists of sets of concatenated mini-template banks whose sizes are dependent on the threshold. This approach is only a zeroth order approximation, albeit good enough as a first step in reducing the size of the bank searched over. This approach can be extended in the future to include higher order corrections.
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