LIGO Document T1500351-v1

Quantization Noise in Advanced LIGO Digital Control System

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T - Technical notes
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Advanced LIGO implements hundreds of control loops using digital signal processing techniques. These controllers are known to inject noise due to round-off error as signals are IIR filtered, and converted to and from the digital domain. In this project, the origins of this quantization noise, and its analysis have been investigated for the digital controller implemented at the Advanced LIGO sites. The quantization noise analysis is done for all its sources viz. the digital filters, Analog to Digital Converters(ADCs) and Digital to Analog Converters (DACs). The quantization noise in filters depend on the digital filter structure which has been thoroughly analyzed in this study. The report also would summarize the results of quantization noise analysis in the DAC code and noise shaping implementation so that the quantization noise level is mitigated in the frequency band of interest to gravitational wave detection.
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Notes and Changes:
SURF 15 Final Report. Ayush Pandey

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