LIGO Document T1500038-v1

Theoretical Mirror Response in Thermo-Optic Experiment with Penetrating Heating Laser

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T - Technical notes
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An understanding of the thermo-optic properties of the mirrors used in the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) detectors is important to characterizing the thermo-optic noise, which has the potential to dominate signals from gravitational wave sources. While there is a large amount of documentation on the properties of fused silica glass in bulk, which makes up the substrate of the mirrors, there is little information on the properties of the dielectric stack mirror coating. In this paper, we present the theory and subsequent expectations of an experiment that measures the effective change of reflected phase with temperature (dφ/dT) of a mirror coating in an experiment of the type performed by Greg Ogin at Caltech in 2012, only with the additional component of a heating beam that simultaneously heats both the coating and part of the substrate.
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