LIGO Document T1400196-v1

ISC RFPD Resonant Circuit Optimizer Code

Document #:
Document type:
T - Technical notes
Other Versions:
A set of Matlab .m files used to find optimal values for the aLIGO RFPDs. The code (written by Rana) returns the top 5 solutions that yield maximum SNR as defined by a weighted cost function. The file descriptions are as follows:

snrfind2.m - This is the main optimizer code. Set operating frequency and number of iterations.

pdsnr2.m - Set operating frequencies, opamp noise, analysis temperature, and cost function weighting parameters.

pdz.m - Called to calculate the RFPD transimpedance and "back" impedance as "seen" looking out the RF opamp positive input.

Files in Document:
optimizer matlab
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