LIGO Document T1400181-v16

Status of SUS Individual and General Acceptance Reports

Document #:
Document type:
T - Technical notes
Other Versions:
Status of SUS Individual and General Acceptance Reports

This spreadsheet lists all the individual suspensions with the DCC numbers for their acceptance reports and the status of the report. Will allow tracking of status with periodic updates.
It also gives status on general documentation for acceptance.
Punchlist items for both individual and general acceptance reviews are listed, as are open bugs.

See also E1400187, which summarizes the various DCC documents, ICS links and alog entries supporting the acceptance of individual H1, L1 and 3IFO suspensions.

Notes and Changes:
v1 = first draft ( needs to be checked) as of 28th Feb 2014
v2 - updated 6th March 2014 with more DCC#. All HSTS now have DCC#. Added in 2 x OMCS. At this time total approved is 9 (out of 45).
v3 - updated 14th March 2014.
v4 - updated 14th March 2014. All suspensions now have DCC#
v5 - updated 15th March 2014 corrected entry
v6 - updated 18th March 2014, 3 more approved.
v7 - updated 21st March 2014. Now includes second tab with general documentation info, and info on punchlist items and bug reports. A work in progress.
v8 - updated 24th March 2014. More individual flecards now ready for review. All general documentation approved with punchlists noted.
v9 - updated 26th March 2014. Seven more individual suspensions have been approved with punchlists noted. Total approved = 19.
Several more filecards are now populated and ready for review.
v10 - updated 2nd April 2014. Eleven more individual suspensions have been approved with punchlists noted. Current status: 36 filecards prepared, 30 approved.
v11. Added two new bugs (830 and 831) related to suspensions, 10th April 2014
v12. Updated 17th April 2014. Nine more individual suspensions have now been approved with punchlists noted. Two new bugs are listed (843 and 847). Current status: 39 suspensions approved.
v13 updated 8th May 2014. New columns added to track updates on punchlist status and priorities on completion of those.
v14 updated 9th May 2014 with further info on punchlist items which have been addressed.
v15 updated 4th June 2014, closing out punchlist item of Ops Manual.
v16 updated 18th June 2014 with additional columns including assignees for open punchlist items and due dates.
Statistics at 18 June 2014: 28 with punchlist closed, 16 with open punchlist items, 6 not reviewed yet
Related Documents:

DCC Version 3.4.3, contact Document Database Administrators