LIGO Document T1200219-v1

Scientific benefits of moving one of LIGO Hanford detectors to India

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T - Technical notes
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LIGO Hanford is currently proposed to host two interferometers in the same vacuum system. Here we report on the scientific merits of moving one of the detectors to the southern Indian state of Karnataka - LIGO-India. This study considers the impact that LIGO-India has on the science objectives of advanced LIGO and Virgo. With the addition of a fourth site in India, the LIGO-Virgo network will have a longer baseline than any existing pair and thereby improve coherent detection and signal reconstruction, greatly improved sky localization of sources and enhanced duty cycle, especially of three-site networks. These improved features mean that the addition of LIGO-India will help achieve the scientific objectives of the LIGO-Virgo collaboration far more quickly and with greater precision than envisaged before.
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