LIGO Document P1900087-v4

Data release for testing GR

Document #:
Document type:
P - Publications
Other Versions:
09 Oct 2019, 02:12
28 Mar 2019, 07:52
As an accompaniment to Tests of general relativity with binary black hole signals from the LIGO-Virgo catalog GWTC-1, this page contains the associated data release detailing each GR test performed on the compact binary coalescence observations and presented in the above publication.

Each tarball below contains data products associated with a particular test, including documentation and example scripts/notebooks showing how to access and create plots of the release content.

* ResT.tgz: residuals test (Sec. V A of the paper)
* IMR.tgz: inspiral-merger-ringdown consistency test (Sec. V B of the paper)
* PGen.tgz: parameterized test of GW generation (Sec. VI of the paper)
* PProp.tgz: parameterized test of GW propagation (Sec. VII of the paper)
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