LIGO Document P1200056-v3

Update on Quadruple Suspension Design for Advanced LIGO

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We describe the design of the suspension systems for the major optics for Advanced LIGO, the upgrade to LIGO - the Laser Interferometric Gravitational-Wave Observatory. The design is based on that used in GEO600 – the German/UK interferometric gravitational wave detector, with further development to meet the more stringent noise requirements for Advanced LIGO. The test mass suspensions consist of a four-stage or quadruple pendulum for enhanced seismic isolation. To minimize suspension thermal noise, the final stage consists of a silica mirror, 40 kg in mass, suspended from another silica mass by four silica fibres welded to silica ears attached to the sides of the masses using hydroxide-catalysis bonding. The design is chosen to achieve a displacement noise level for each of the seismic and thermal noise contributions of 10-19 m/rt Hz at 10 Hz, for each test mass. We discuss features of the design which has been developed as a result of experience with prototypes and associated investigations.

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Notes and Changes:
v3 is revised version of paper resubmitted following comments from referees.

*Paper accepted for publication 25 Sept 2012*
Accepted version contains a few edits/corrections relative to the v3 version uploaded here.

Paper was published online on 22nd October 2012.
Bibliographic details are
Class. Quantum Grav. 29 (2012) 235004

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