LIGO Document M1300468-v8

Acceptance Process for the Advanced LIGO Project

Document #:
Document type:
M - Management or Policy
Other Versions:
23 Feb 2015, 14:50
16 Feb 2015, 04:06
06 Jun 2014, 11:18
The purpose of this memo is to define all of the steps required and planned for acceptance of the Advanced LIGO project deliverables. There are five basic types of acceptance reviews:
  â€¢ Subsystem Fabrication Acceptance Reviews
    - Requirements: M1100282
    - Form for Technical Content: E1300457
    - Form for Project Controls Content: M1300455 ('Fab Checklist' tab)
  â€¢ Installation Instance Acceptance Reviews
    - Requirements: F1300019
    - Form for Technical Content: F1300019
    - Form for Project Controls Content: M1300455 ('INS Checklist' tab)
  â€¢ Long Term Storage Acceptance Reviews
    - Requirements and Form: M1300455 ('LTS Checklist' tab)
  â€¢ System Acceptance Reviews
    - Requirements: F1300020
    - Form for Technical Content: F1300020
  â€¢ Project Closeout and Acceptance
    - Requirements: M1300468 (this document)
    - Final Report: To Be Written

Each of these types of reviews (with the exception of the overall project closeout) has multiple instances. The Systems Acceptance Reviews (one for each of the two installed and integrated interferometers) are meta-reviews that include top-level review of all fabrication and installation instance acceptance reviews.

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