LIGO Document M1300164-v8

3rd IFO Long-Term Storage Acceptance and Punchlist

Document #:
Document type:
M - Management or Policy
Other Versions:
12 Sep 2013, 11:36
This document provides information on the status of 3rd IFO (aka H2/India) storage at the end of the aLIGO project. At the time of close-out all sub-systems have completed handover to 3rd IFO. A copy of the status of handover as of April 1st 2015 (including defects and parts still at 3rd part vendors) can be found in the .xlsx and .pdf file included in this v8 version. The following active google doc will now track these incoming parts. Until all items are placed into the Long Term Assest Management System (LAM) it will also track any items checked-out by Ops. -

Sign off by Calum Torrie (on behalf of Calum Torrie and Jodi Fauver) indicates the close of 3rd IFO on the aLIGO project and handover of a completed system to OPs for long term storage.

Notes and Changes:
(i) L1200172 ( gives the LIGO india scope
(ii) M1300534 ( gives the estimate of
equipment to be procured by India.

-v8 includes copy of google doc (.xlsx and .pdf). V8 is the close-out and handover copy. The link to the active google doc is still included to allow Jodi and Gary to utilize to track incoming components.

-v7 includes google doc.

-v6 include scanned copies of 3IFO acceptance documents. Also includes summary list of status to complete (supplied by Jodi and added by Calum) AND includes signature request added for Jodi Fauver (coming soon) and Calum Torrie.

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