LIGO Document M080034-x0

Magnet Swap Review for Enhanced LIGO

Document #:
Document type:
M - Management or Policy
Other Versions:
13 Mar 2009, 11:54
Review report supporting the proposal to replace the NdFeB End Test Mass(ETM) magnets with CoSm magnets to reduce noise associated with the coil/magnet actuators for Enhanced LIGO.
Files in Document:
magnets Barkhausen
Notes and Changes:
Revision -v1 is identical to -00 (consequence of chance to the new DCC)
Rev M080034-00-M:
- Full document number: LIGO-M080034-00-M
- Author(s): Norna Robertson; Doug Cook; Dennis Coyne; Joseph Giaime; Michael Landry; Brian O'reilly; Janeen Hazel Romie; David Shoemaker; Daniel Sigg; Stan Whitcomb
- Document date: 2008-03-12
- Document received date: 2008-03-13
- Document entry date: 2008-03-13

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