LIGO Document G2102416-v1

GWTC-3 webinar

Document #:
Document type:
G - Presentations (eg Graphics)
Other Versions:
06 Dec 2021, 07:35
This webinar will present GWTC-3 and the latest LIGO and Virgo observations from the second part of their third observing run (O3b). We will discuss the state of the instruments in O3b, the data quality, the results of our search analyses, and the inferred properties of selected candidates. A Q&A session will follow including experts in instrumentation, data analysis and astrophysical interpretation
Files in Document:
  • Slides (GWTC-3 Webinar.pdf, 7.5 MB)
Other Files:
Author Groups:
Notes and Changes:
Webinar 6 December 2021 15:00 UTC

Data release

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