LIGO Document G1401169-v1

LIGO Science Education Center: Building an Informal Education Center on Collaborations

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G - Presentations (eg Graphics)
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The LIGO Science Education Center (SEC) is co-located with the LIGO Livingston Observatory and seeks to share the search for gravitational waves with students, teachers, and the public. The LIGO SEC is the result of nearly a decade of collaboration between a museum (The Exploratorium), a science laboratory (LIGO), a university (Southern University-Baton Rouge) and a local education agency (Louisiana Board of Regents) to scaffold this outreach. Programs are inquiry-based activities and include guided investigations in our classroom and free exploration of the more than 40 hands-on exhibits in our exhibit hall (mostly built by the Exploratorium). Students also get to visit the working LIGO observatory to interact with scientists and to see the concepts they’re learning in action. This talk will focus on how our collaboration has produced a unique environment for students to learn new science, where diversity is spotlighted, and new research on learning is created.
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