LIGO Document G1400897-v1

Extracting Physics from the Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background

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G - Presentations (eg Graphics)
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A gravitational-wave background is expected to arise from the superposition of
many gravitational-wave signals, which are too weak to detect individually, but
which combine to create a "stochastic" gravitational-wave glow. By measuring
the stochastic background, we can probe a wide range of interesting science,
from neutron stars to the inflationary epoch shortly after the Big Bang.
This project is focused on studying the stochastic gravitational wave background
that we hope to detect with the Advanced LIGO-Virgo detector network. In
particular, we are developing software to analize data from the Advanced
LIGO-Virgo network, and infer the characteristics of the stochastic
gravitational wave background. Using advanced statistical tools to extract information from tiny signals buried deep in the noise will give insight about the broad
spectrum of sources that contribute to the stochastic gravitational wave
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