LIGO Document G0900579-v1

Suspension loss in Advanced gravitational wave detectors

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G - Presentations (eg Graphics)
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Detection of gravitational waves remains one of the most challenging
problems faced by experimental physicists. One of the most significant
limits to the sensitivity of current, and future, long-baseline
interferometric gravitational wave detectors is thermal displacement
noise of the test masses and their suspensions. Detector suspension
thermal noise will be an important noise source at operating frequencies
between approximately 10 and 30Hz, and results from a combination of
thermoelastic damping, surface and bulk losses assocated with the
suspension fibres. However its effects can be reduced by minimising the
thermoelastic loss and optimisation of pendulum dilution factor via
appropriate choice of suspension fibre and attachment geometry. This
presentation will discuss finite element modelling and associated
analysis of the loss in quasi-monolithic silica fibre suspensions for
future Advanced gravitational wave detectors, and the potential of this
approach for studying suspension designs for future interferometric
detectors using other suspension materials.
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