LIGO Document G000313-x0

Proposal to the LIGO Scientific Collaboration (LSC) - Entry of LIGO Into the Supernova Nova Early Warning System (SNEWS) and Prototype Development of Real-Time LIGO Supernova Alert

Document #:
Document type:
G - Presentations (eg Graphics)
Files in Document:
Notes and Changes:

Migrated document information from the old DCC:
- Full document number: LIGO-G000313-00-D
- Author(s): Barry Barish; Kenneth Ganezer; Albert Lazzarini; Szabolcs Marka; Benoit Mours; Peter Saulson; John Zweizig
- Document date: 2000-08-06
- Document received date: 2001-03-09
- Document entry date: 2001-03-09

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