LIGO Document E1400152-v12

aLIGO LLO Installation Acceptance "Punch List"

Document #:
Document type:
E - Engineering documents
Other Versions:
23 Dec 2014, 10:52
12 Oct 2014, 22:09
18 Sep 2014, 09:15
10 Jun 2014, 13:51
11 Mar 2014, 12:09
This is a collection of all actions arising from reviews of the various installation subset reviews of the aLIGO project at the LIGO Livingston Observatory (LLO). This list will be tracked and maintained by System Engineering until all actions have been resolved.

This punch-list (once committee adds and or subtracts to it) all punch-list items that are not already bugs will become bugs. Calum Torrie

Notes and Changes:
1) v12 includes the removal of the items which were "no" and "no" i.e. no not holding up the review and no not punch-list items. If you want to see these double no's refer to v11.

2) v11 includes comments (with committee approval) from meeting on 15th May 2014 and subsequent comments from Mike L on missing HAM1/6 install docs.

3) v10 now includes updated punch-list. The punch-list includes
i) all of the notes from the DC synopsis - done
ii) Joe G - General notes (LBSC4,5) - done
iii) Joe G - VE - done
iv) Mike L - HAM4,5,6 and PSL - done
v) Calum T - LBSC2 - done
vi) Calum DAQ - done
vii) Marty - HAM1,2,3 - 2x Excel sheets (one with HAM1,2,3 and follow up to me) - done
viii) Vern LBSC1,2,3 - done

4) v10 also includes additional tabs (which include notes for authors) to update the chamber docs including now Vern's notes for the authors.

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