LIGO Document E1400124-v1

H1 SUS HSTS SR2 Acceptance Document

Document #:
Document type:
E - Engineering documents
Other Versions:
H1 SUS HSTS SR2 Acceptance Document

For General Acceptance Documentation common for all HSTS refer to aLIGO SUS HSTS Acceptance Documentation.

Calum Torrie signed April 16th 2014. Completed to 2b. Phase 3a and 3b review will be in chamber acceptance review.

Punchlist items and their resolution will be tracked in T1400181. They will not be updated on this Acceptance Document filecard.

Files in Document:
Notes and Changes:
I. Committee (* indicates review chair)
Rich Abbott, Alastair Heptonstall, Calum Torrie*, Jeff Lewis, Fabrice Matichard, Celine Ramet.

II. Documents for Review (against list from M1100282)
Top Assembly Name:
D0901128 AdvLIGO SUS HAM4-H1, XYZ Local CS for HSTS (SR2)

ICS Assembly #:
- ICS Assembly Load:

Acceptance document:
This filecard serves as the acceptance document for H1-SR2.
For common material for all HSTS suspensions, see

ICS inventory


Test results:
- Calibrated, M1toM1 Transfer Functions (DAMPING OFF and ON):
Note: Phase 3a - in chamber but not in vacuum

- Calibrated, M2toM2 Transfer Functions (DAMPING OFF):
DOES NOT EXIST YET (Will be done in Phase 3b)

- Calibrated, M3toM3 Transfer Functions (DAMPING OFF):
DOES NOT EXIST YET (Will be done in Phase 3b)

- Calibrated OSEM Sensor ASDs, All Stages (DAMPING OFF):
Note: excess noise above 10 Hz

- Calibrated OSEM Sensor ASDs, All Stages (DAMPING ON):
Note: excess noise above 10 Hz

- B&K Hammer Cage Resonance Transfer Functions:
DOES NOT EXIST YET SR2 not in final position within chamber or fully clamped.

- Coil Driver Noise:
- Coil Driver Response in all states:

- Violin Mode Frequencies and Q
Measured violin mode Qs are used to estimate wire losses (structural and thermo-elastic) and hence expected thermal noise at lower frequencies. Results for MC2 at LLO (see link) tie up well with our model and provide evidence that double prism technique appears to be doing its job. We confirmed that we are only requiring one example for each type of suspension.

Note added 5th Sept 2014 for clarification (NAR/CIT)
Predicted violin mode frequencies and Qs for all types of suspensions are given in T1300876. These can be compared to measured values.
Measuring Qs is not a requirement for SUS acceptance.
For Installation acceptance it has been agreed that we should measure Qs once for each major suspension type.
For HSTS, we measured violin mode Qs on L1 MC2, see links above.
See also reviewer comments on MC2 acceptance page at E1201042
Note that double prism technique is also used for the HLTS and BS.

Channel/Signal List and Calibrations
For latest measurements of OSEM Sensor's Open Light Current, See
Otherwise calibrations are assumed to be as shown in HSTS Control Design Description,
with a roughly 20% uncertainty (determined by the worst discrepancy seen between modeled and measured transfer functions across all DOFs and many HSTSs). The following channels are calibrated into [um] or [urad]:

H1:SUS-SR2_M1_ISIWIT_{L,T,V,R,P,Y}_DQ (Susp Point)
H1:SUS-SR2_M1_DAMP_{L,T,V,R,P,Y}_IN1_DQ (Top Mass)
H1:SUS-SR2_M2_WIT_{L,P,Y}_DQ (Middle Mass)
H1:SUS-SR2_M3_WIT_{L,P,Y}_DQ (Optic)

(For coordinate system definition, see

III. General notes and action items:

Referenced by:

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