LIGO Document E1300939-v3

Procedure For Attachment Of The Pcal Periscope Alignment Target To ETM Quad Frame

Document #:
Document type:
E - Engineering documents
Other Versions:
Procedure For Attachment Of The Pcal Periscope Alignment Target To ETM Quad Frame
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Notes and Changes:
Step 1: "At time of mounting Target Assembly to the quad frame, the ETM may have First Contact on its reflective surface. No other reflective surface protection should be on the ETM. The two 1” mirrors (see figure 3) are to be included on the Target Assembly only if First Contact is present and left fully intact on the ETM reflective surface.", inserted before the Step 1 of previous revision.

Step 4: "If First Contact is not present and left intact on the ETM reflective surface, the Target Assembly attachment is now complete. Otherwise go to next section.", appended to end of previous (-v2) text.

Step 5: "With assistance from IAS, shim the Alignment Target as necessary to achieve 141 μrad maximum IFO Beam Axis parallelism errors in both pitch and yaw, for both 1” mirrors.", added to the end of the document.

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