LIGO Document E1300765-v1


Document #:
Document type:
E - Engineering documents
Other Versions:
After the installation of the OBS3 PSL in India an specific document will be uploaded. Until then all Phase1 testing reports can be found in links povided in the document E1200040.
The storage of third-IFO components is documented by Excel-ICS upload reports. Serial No 3 components are stored for the third IFO at the given location at LHO.
The punch list is in L1400133.
Files in Document:
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Notes and Changes:
PSL-H1 and 3rd. Ifo. 14-Aug-2014, Acceptance Review Team (Rich Abbott, Dennis Coyne, Peter Fritschel, Valera Frolov, Marty Levine, Rick Savage - chair) have provisionally accepted the PSL-H1 and PSL-3rd Ifo. There are some minor actions yet to be completed (which are listed in the "punch list" document L1400133).

Systems Engineering has reviewed and accepted this Fabrication Acceptance Review as well.

ICS upload spread sheets added

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