LIGO Document E1300534-v1

ECR - CDS Code Release RCG V2.7

Document #:
Document type:
E - Engineering documents
Other Versions:
This is an ECR proposing changes to be made to the CDS core software to produce the next code release, V2.7.
Notes and Changes:
6/13/2013 approved by Dennis Coyne & Peter Fritschel

Summary of proposed and approved changes:
* Support for two DAQ frame types: commissioning and science frames, to reduce the overall long term data storage requirements.
* Additional support for UINT32 data types for storage of ODC state vector information.
* Modifications to RCG IIR filter support:
- Reduce number of filter module EPICS channels that are recorded by DAQ to reduce the overall DAQ load.
- Provide additional switch setting EPICS channels and switch position checking in support of Guardian scripts.

[Note that although the addition of the ODC system/channels to the front end code is about to be reviewed by a technical review board, the ODC development has not been stopped.]

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