LIGO Document E1200996-x0

DCN- Update of End Station Oplev & Pcal Installation Layouts

Document #:
Document type:
E - Engineering documents
Update of Oplev & Pcal Pylon Installation Layout drawings for all End Stations.
Files in Document:
Notes and Changes:
1) OptLev receiver pylons are moved closer to beam tube axis by 1.22" to allow access for PCal beams (Pcal receivers are embedded in the OptLev receiver pylons). These locations are specified in RODA M1200020. Note that the position along the BT axis is unchanged.

2) Pcal transmitter pylons are changed to be as specified in RODA M1200350. The locations and orientations specified in the initial release of these drawings were based on an early design concept in which the Pcal beams propagated directly to the ETMs. The Arm Cavity Baffles have necessitated Pcal periscopes that reduce the angle of incidence on the ETMs.

3) Added specifications for the height of the pylons (top of the grout plates) relative to the A1 adapter flanges. The previous release of the drawings did not specify the vertical placement of the pylons.

4) Added measured values for distance from A1 adapter to VEA floor for each end station (from RODA M1200350).

Note that the locations of the OptLev transmitter pylons are unchanged.

Note that the RODAs referenced above give dimensions to both the edges of the grout plates and to the anchor bolt holes; thus, they may be more useful for installation of the anchor bolts.

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