10 Dec 2014, 09:01 |
Root DCC entry for the acceptance of aLIGO HAM-ISI units.
I. Individual Documents for Review
Follow the links provided under 'related documents' to get to the acceptance documents for each HAM-ISI instance.
II. Review Committee
The fabrication acceptance review for the individual HAM-ISI units was chaired by Calum Torrie. The committee consisted of Norna Robertson, Rich Abbott, Arnaud Pele and Stuart Aston. The review team, who also took part, consisted of Fabrice Matichard, Ken Mason, Hugo Paris and Brian Lantz.
III. Approval
All phase I and phase II results were reviewed by the above committee via homework and at the weekly fabrication review meetings. Punch-list items can be found at the link below. Calum Torrie's signature below (Dec 10th 2014) declares that the review of this individual HAM-ISI unit is complete on behalf of committee and systems engineering. Calum Torrie.
IV. Punch-list items
All of the punch-list items have been collected in one place (for all of the individual units reviewed) at T1400616. Refer to that document for full list of all punch-list items from this fabrication acceptance review. Calum Torrie.
V. Key
Phase I Testing (Pre-Assembly and During Clean Assembly) - part of fabrication acceptance. Testing procedure E1000309.
Phase II Testing (Chamber-Side Testing & Initial Chamber Testing in air) - part of fabrication acceptance. Testing procedure E1000994.
Phase III Testing (In chamber but under vacuum) - part of installation acceptance. Testing procedure E1000995.
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