LIGO Document E1200107-v1

aLIGO HAM-ISI, Pre-Installation Test Report, Phase II, LLO HAM 6

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E - Engineering documents
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Side chamber testing was conducted in the LLO LVEA with actual electronics and field cables from June 22nd until July 3rd 2012. Temporary extensions to those cables were used to reach the test stand located further away from the electronics than the HAM chamber is.
Steps 1 and 2 capture data from testing done previously, whereas all the following steps were done (or waived) during that side-chamber testing period.
When the actuator cables were properly isolated from the actuators (cf Step 20 linearity test comment), only a few minor issues were found during testing of this ISI:
- Slightly different actuator slope on H3 (in comparison to the other horizontal actuators)
- Slightly different response of the H1 and H3 GS-13s (in comparison to H2) between 0.8 and 1.1 Hz. This appears to be explained by the different sensors responses.
- The ISI mass load is inexplicably high compared to the other ISIs. We haven’t been able to find any mistakes in the weights recorded. (cf Step 7-Mass budget)

A number of mechanical tests (and adjustments) were waived at the time of side-chamber testing, leaving this for in-chamber initial testing:
- Level of the optical table
- Spring flatness measurements
- Horizontal actuator gaps

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