LIGO Document E1100716-v6
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L1 Pre-Stabilized Laser Subsystem Testing and Acceptance
Document #:
Document type:
E - Engineering documents
Other Versions:
25 Mar 2013, 06:08
Test results and reference measurements of the aLIGO L1 PSL after installation in July 2011.
Files in Document:
Installation and acceptance test document V6
(13Installation_and_Acceptance_Test_L1_v6_Oct15.pdf, 4.0 MB)
Other Files:
2.1 - zip file containing raw data of section 2.1
(, 2.4 MB)
2.2.1a - front end DBB modescan
(dbb_msc-004.pdf, 768.4 kB)
2.2.1a - front end DBB modescan - data
(, 348.9 kB)
2.2.1b - front end power noise
(rpn100k.pdf, 15.1 kB)
2.2.1b - front end power noise - data
(, 31.6 kB)
2.2.1c - front end pointing fluctuations
(dbb_pnt-001.pdf, 301.5 kB)
2.2.1c - front end pointing fluctuations - data
(, 131.2 kB)
2.2.1c - front end power noise over 1 hour
(dbb_rpn-004.pdf, 215.7 kB)
2.2.1c - front end power noise over 1 hour - data
(, 78.9 kB)
2.2.1d - front end power noise at rf frequencies
(rpn.pdf, 27.7 kB)
2.2.1d - front end power noise at rf frequencies - data
(, 61.3 kB)
2.2.1e - front end frequency noise measured with DBB
(dbb_frq-001.pdf, 171.5 kB)
2.2.1e - front end frequency noise measured with DBB - data
(, 32.9 kB)
2.2.2b- HPL injection servo transferfunction
(injection_locking_tf.pdf, 9.3 kB)
2.2.2b- HPL injection servo transferfunction - data
(, 9.7 kB)
2.2.2d- HPL injection locking actuator signal noise - data
(, 30.3 kB)
2.2.2d- HPL injection locking error and actuator noise
(frqnoise.pdf, 30.1 kB)
2.2.2d- HPL injection locking error point noise - data
(, 30.8 kB)
2.2.2f - HPL DBB modescan
(dbb_msc-016.pdf, 768.3 kB)
2.2.2f - HPL DBB modescan - data
(, 351.7 kB)
2.2.2g - HPL relative power noise
(rpn_200W.pdf, 15.0 kB)
2.2.2g - HPL relative power noise - data
(, 30.3 kB)
2.2.2h - HPL relative power noise (rf)
(rpn_200W_rf.pdf, 27.6 kB)
2.2.2h - HPL relative power noise (rf) - data
(, 61.1 kB)
2.2.2i - HPL frequency noise measured with DBB
(dbb_frq-002.pdf, 171.5 kB)
2.2.2i - HPL frequency noise measured with DBB - data
(, 32.8 kB)
2.2.2j - HPL pointing fluctuations
(dbb_pnt-002.pdf, 330.6 kB)
2.2.2j - HPL pointing fluctuations - data
(, 139.0 kB)
2.2.2k - HPL power noise over 1h
(dbb_rpn-003.pdf, 185.9 kB)
2.2.2k - HPL power noise over 1h - data
(, 71.3 kB)
2.3a - PMC error signal time series
(PMC_errorsignal.pdf, 224.3 kB)
2.3a - PMC error signal time series -data
(, 499.6 kB)
2.3b - PMC noise with FSS on
(PMC_noiseFSSon.pdf, 29.4 kB)
2.3b - PMC noise with FSS on - error point data
(, 30.6 kB)
2.3c - PMC noise with FSS on - actuator data
(, 29.8 kB)
2.3d - PMC noise with FSS off
(PMC_frqnoise_FFSoff.pdf, 29.3 kB)
2.3d - PMC noise with FSS off - error point data
(, 30.5 kB)
2.3e - PMC noise with FSS off - actuator data
(, 29.8 kB)
2.3f - PMC loop transfer function
(tf.pdf, 10.2 kB)
2.3f - PMC loop transfer function - data
(, 9.5 kB)
2.4a - ISS relative power noise - inner loop
(iss_rpn-002.pdf, 503.1 kB)
2.4a - ISS relative power noise - inner loop - data
(, 219.0 kB)
2.4b - ISS inner loop transfer function
(ISS_tf.pdf, 10.7 kB)
2.4b - ISS inner loop transfer function - data
(, 9.4 kB)
2.4c - ISS transfer function for outer loop actuator
(error_point_injectionTF.pdf, 14.4 kB)
2.4c - ISS transfer function for outer loop actuator -data
(, 9.4 kB)
2.4e - ISS actuator linearity
(actlin.pdf, 16.9 kB)
2.4e - ISS actuator linearity - data
(, 2.3 kB)
2.4f - ISS relative power noise - inner loop (low power mode)
(iss_rpn-002_low_power.pdf, 490.5 kB)
2.4f - ISS relative power noise - inner loop (low power mode) - data
(, 211.1 kB)
2.5a - FSS error signal (noise spetrum)
(freqnoise_FSS.pdf, 40.1 kB)
2.5a - FSS error signal (noise spetrum) - data
(, 105.8 kB)
2.5b - FSS error signal (time series unlocked)
(errorsignal_FSS.pdf, 20.4 kB)
2.5b - FSS error signal (time series unlocked) - data
(, 16.7 kB)
2.5c - FSS loop transferfunction
(TTFSSTF.pdf, 14.4 kB)
2.5c - FSS loop transferfunction - data
(, 6.2 kB)
2.5e - FSS VCO to frequency transfer function
(VCO_tf.pdf, 9.4 kB)
2.5e - FSS VCO to frequency transfer function - data
(, 15.0 kB)
2.5g - FSS error point injection transfer function
(ERRIJTF.pdf, 9.3 kB)
2.5g - FSS error point injection transfer function - data
(, 6.0 kB)
2.5i - FSS fast actuator -data
(, 227.4 kB)
2.5i - FSS fast actuator spectrum
(FSS_fast_spec.pdf, 14.0 kB)
2.5i - FSS fast actuator time series
(FSS_fast_tseries.pdf, 92.2 kB)
2.5i - pockesl cell actuator time series
(FSS_PC_tseries.pdf, 97.0 kB)
2.5i - pockesl cell actuator time series - data
(, 222.9 kB)
2.5j - reference cavity AM tansfer function
(Finesse_tf.pdf, 9.8 kB)
2.5j - reference cavity AM tansfer function - data
(, 5.3 kB)
3.3 MEDM and Beckhoff screen shots after installation
(LLO PSL MEDM and Beckhoff screens after installation.pdf, 801.0 kB)
5.10 ISS transfer function
(tf_iss.pdf, 13.9 kB)
5.10 ISS transfer function - data
(, 13.1 kB)
5.11 PSL/IO power fluctuations 24h
(pwdrift24h.pdf, 10.9 kB)
5.11 PSL/IO power fluctuations 24h - data
(, 9.9 kB)
5.12 PSL power adjust capability
(pwadj.pdf, 13.4 kB)
5.12 PSL power adjust capability - data
(, 13.1 kB)
5.14 RPN 10kHz to 1MHz
(rpnrf_amp.pdf, 11.1 kB)
5.14 RPN 10kHz to 1MHz - data
(, 9.4 kB)
5.15 Reference cavity heater and temperature stability
(refcav_heater.rtf, 1.4 kB)
5.15 Reference cavity heater and temperature stability - data
(refcav_heater24h.png, 111.9 kB)
5.7 AOM doublepass efficiency
(AOM_doublepass.rtf, 7.2 kB)
5.8 ISS QPD pointing measurement
(iss_pnt-002.pdf, 503.1 kB)
5.8 ISS QPD pointing measurement - data
(, 219.0 kB)
Laser Systems
Subsystem Test
Benno Willke
Notes and Changes:
all punch list items (see chapter 5) addressed
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