LIGO Document E1000278-v7

Preparation of an end or input test mass (ETM/ITM) (Hydroxide-Catalysis Bonding of ears)

Document #:
Document type:
E - Engineering documents
Other Versions:
09 Mar 2012, 13:45
02 Aug 2011, 09:16
31 Mar 2011, 08:34
24 Feb 2011, 02:20
04 Aug 2010, 07:19
This document goes through the procedure for preparing an ETM/ITM test mass (D080658-v3 and D080657-v3) for monolithic installation into the quadruple suspension structure. The procedure consists of hydroxide catalysis bonding on a fused silica ‘ear’ (suspension element according to D080751-v1) to each of the surfaces S3 and S4 in a well-defined location and re-storing the mass. General hydroxide-catalysis bonding procedures are detailed in E050228. The procedure assumes the mirror substrate has been fully prepared with HR and AR coatings applied to respectively the front and the back surface of the substrate. It includes mirror handling with the ergo-arm during these procedures. Mirror handling procedures with the ergo-arm are detailed in T1000082.
Notes and Changes:
04/08/10: Requested DCC number for the document.
08/04/10: Release v1 onto DCC.
18/02/2011: Release v2 onto DCC.
31/03/11: Release v3 onto DCC – added a small overview schedule at the start of the document
02/08/11: Release v4 onto DCC – added procedural steps to measure the width of the mass at the
bonding jig location, added procedural steps to check the position of the ears and prisms on the
mass, a flag to slant the mass slightly to prevent the ear from drifting away from the jig
31/08/11: Release v5 onto DCC – correction of equation in step 43.
09/03/12: Release v6 onto DCC – Added a requirement to unplug the de-ionizer gun for 5 minutes
before use around flammable liquids, or use an air gun.
28/08/12: Release v7 onto DCC – Added requirement to wear safety goggles during the use of
undiluted bonding solution.

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