LIGO Document E1000277-v4

Preparation of an end or input penultimate mass (ETM-PM/ITM-PM) (Hydroxide-Catalysis Bonding of ears and gluing prisms and magnet flags)

Document #:
Document type:
E - Engineering documents
Other Versions:
25 Jul 2013, 14:36
10 Apr 2013, 16:37
28 Jan 2013, 08:39
20 Sep 2012, 13:28
18 May 2012, 15:13
31 Aug 2011, 07:32
13 Jun 2011, 21:42
10 Mar 2011, 08:58
04 Aug 2010, 07:15
This document goes through the procedure for preparing an ETM/ITM penultimate mass (D080117 and D080128) for installation into the quadruple suspension structure. The procedure consists of hydroxide catalysis bonding on a fused silica ‘ear’ (suspension element according to D080751-v1) to each of the surfaces S3 and S4 in a well-defined location, gluing wire break-off prisms to the mass, gluing magnet flags to surface S2 of the mass and re-storing the mass.
Notes and Changes:
04/08/10: Requested DCC number for the document
08/04/10: Release v1 onto DCC
02/19/11: Release v2 onto DCC
31/03/11: Release v3 onto DCC – added a small overview schedule at the start of the document
02/08/11: Release v4 onto DCC – added procedural steps to check the position of the ears and prisms on the mass, a flag to slant the mass slightly to prevent the ear from drifting away from the jig

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