LIGO Document E0900145-v2

Drawing Tree - AdLIGO AOS Optical Lever Pier Weldment Prototype

Document #:
Document type:
E - Engineering documents
Other Versions:
27 May 2009, 13:52
Drawing Tree - Optical Lever Pier Weldment Prototype
Files in Document:
  • PDF Version (E0900145 Drawing Tree - AdLIGO AOS Optical Lever Pier ...pdf, 13.7 kB)
Other Files:
  • Excel Version (E0900145 Drawing Tree - AdLIGO AOS Optical Lever Pier ...xls, 70.0 kB)
Notes and Changes:
(Excerpt from DCN E0900174)
* Updated revision levels of drawing numbers D0900657 & D0900773, to v2.
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