LIGO Document D950130-x0

Beam Tube Termination Slabs Relative to Buildings

Document #:
Document type:
D - Drawings

An error was found on this drawing - see the notes field below.
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Notes and Changes:
Migrated document information from the old DCC:
- Full document number: LIGO-D950130-SK-O
- Author(s): Dennis Coyne
- Document date: 1995-10-20
- Document received date: 1997-09-22
- Document entry date: 1996-02-15

24-Aug-2020 found error: On sheet 3 The distance from the vertex to the edge of the BT termination slab is indicated to be 150' 11" (46000 mm). As a cross-check, consider the vacuum equipment general arrangement drawing, D970383 (1/8/99). This drawing shows the distance from the vertex to the welded interface between the large gate valve and the BT to be 150' 11" (46000 mm). The gate valve is on the termination slab. Consequently, D960917-C (7/24/96) is incorrect. The BT termination slab locations in the corner station are shown on D960917-C (7/24/96) as 165' - (17' 6 3/8") = 1770" (44949 mm). This is the correct distance.

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