LIGO Document D1201493-v1

aLIGO Pcal Tooling, Periscope Tip Adjust Weldment

Document #:
Document type:
D - Drawings
Other Versions:
Adjusts the elevation angle of the Pcal Periscope & Video Mirror Assembly in the Pcal System Beam Path Pre-Alignment Set-up.
Files in Document:
Other Files:
  • DWG (D1201493-v1 aLIGO Pcal Tooling, Periscope Tip Adjust W...DWG, 152.7 kB)
  • STEP (D1201493-v1.STEP, 977.0 kB)
  • eAssembly (D1201493-v1 aLIGO Pcal Tooling, Periscope Tip Adjust ...EASM, 212.2 kB)

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