LIGO Document D1200726-v7

PCal Plate Camera Mirror Mounting

Document #:
Document type:
D - Drawings
Other Versions:
28 Sep 2012, 18:22
05 Sep 2012, 10:56
21 Aug 2012, 19:20
19 Jul 2012, 16:37
PCal Plate Camera Mirror Mounting
Notes and Changes:
Change diameters of cutouts for camera views from R=3.94 to R= 3.5 (2 places)
Move cutout for upper camera view to be centered on A1 adapter nozzle (48 deg. from vertical on 30" diameter circle). Was at (22.5, 19.936), now at (22.294, 20.074)

Move 2" dia. hole and three associated helicoils from 1.220 to 1.250.

Move helicoil marked "E" from (1.220, 30.724) to (1.250, 30.775)

Detail C: Change 16.000 dimension to 16.500; change 1.505 dimension to 17.505; change 1.225 dimension to 1.220.

Detail D: change 28.550 dimension to 28.500.
Change reference dimension on detail D from 28.550 to 28.500.

Referenced by:

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