LIGO Document D1101124-v8

aLIGO LSC RF Photodetector Schematic

Document #:
Document type:
D - Drawings
Other Versions:
03 Mar 2014, 09:27
16 Nov 2012, 15:21
Schematic and PCB files for the general purpose low noise RF photodetector for ISC length sensing. A de-Q'd version is also used in the PSL. See the related documents section (T1200428) for a spreadsheet detailing the component values specific to each application.
Files in Document:
Other Files:
lsc rfpd
Notes and Changes:
Update Nov-27-2023: The datasheet can now be found at

The datasheet for the photodiode used in this design (C30642) can be accessed at:

Version 8 - Had to order more boards. Brought PCB up to revision 8 and incorporated single supply protection features listed in version 7. Went through entire bill of materials and created variants for Squeezer CLF and OPO detectors

02-26-19 Luis added the next.
CFL RFPD 6.25MHz S1900052 uses a circuit as described on T1900075. 5.976µH and LT6202 device instead MAX4107.

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